Michael Hanley Horse video, Orange shirt guy meme on Twitter

What is the Orange shirt guy Horse video? And why the memes of it are taking over Twitter. Mr Hands memes again emerges on the social media? There are many disturbing videos around the world and people hate to watch. People feel very uncomfortable when they such videos. Still many old and new disturbing videos keep on coming up and this resurgence is something that receives a widespread hate in social media platforms although they get quite viral. Recently there is a very disturbing horse video that has come up in the social media platform X, oh yes the one that was formerly know as Twitter. The video of the orange shirt guy and horse had been first shared on Twitter. This has erupted the whole social media world as of now. Also, a row of debate and discussion going on among fans over the clip.

What we know about the video?

The man and the horse video found its way to the social media and netizens took no time to share it on other places. The man had left his phone unattended in a pub and another person who got an hand on it found the video and shared it. You can find people in X telling to keep a password in the phone at least if you are doing such disgusting thing so that at least it does not get leaked. It has sent the whole social media buzzing. We still do not know the name of the person shown with horse in the video.

What is the orange shirt horse video on Twitter?

In 2005, there was an video of a man getting injured while getting mounted by the horse and even recently there was a video where woman was died due to many injuries. These are the things which many people hate but still you see the world is full of kink and some of them are usually terrible. Hopefully, this man has learnt his lesson and does not repeat it a all.

How social media reacted to it?

The social media is filled up with hilarious reactions from the viewers. The Michael Hanley horse video left netizens shocked who found the footage reminiscent of the infamous Enumclaw case. The social media fans are not very happy from such type of clips surfacing and being shared on the platform. Many are confused over the video as some fake pictures are also circulating.

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