Who is Fiona Hewitson? Christian Horner personal assistant and accuser

What do we know so far about Fiona Hewitson, the accuser in the Christian Horner case. Fiona Hewitson is the personality who is named in the Christian Horner’s leaked messages and photos controversy. We all know her thanks to her important role in Formula One circuit. She is a strong lady who posses a great leadership attitude. She has shown it that she can do a lot already as an understudy of none other than Christian Horner. She had worked in the racing world and knows how to handle a personal and professional family very well. Fiona Hewitson is someone who knows how the racing business around her goes and that is why she is one of the rare females in the racing circuit.

Who is Fiona Hewitson?

Being an assistant of Christian Horner is always a privilege to learn a lot about the racing world and Fiona Hewitson has done exactly that as of now. She is a lady who has grasped a lot of things about Formula One racing as of now. Her world revolves a lot around this business and Red Bull racing is very lucky to have it. If you are someone who is in to racing as a fan of this game then it is the time you keep a tap on this amazing lady.

Fiona Hewitson and Christian Horner controversy

This lady is always there to grab the right opportunities and as of now she is looking to gain the opportunities. Red Bull racing is always up there to help her and get ahead of others as of now. She is a staunch administrator and that has been helpful for this fine racing team. If you are someone who is in to racing then you will always find this lady more active these days assisting Christian Horner with supreme ease without any doubt at all.

What happened in the case?

Christian Horner’s wife came in support to the racer and also supporting the team in the investigation of the case. It is unknown that how private emails and messages of the Christian leaked on the social media. Red Bull had already initiated an internal investigation to the case.

The former British racing driver and motorsport executive had already responded to the controversy and said that he is under pressure after it leaked on public platforms. He is currently serving as the principal of the team of Red Bull racing.

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