Rhapsody of Realities TeeVo;

Saturday, August 15th, 2020;

(Set Your Heart And Affections On God’s Spirit)

? Pastor Chris

Romans 8:9 AMPC “…You are not living the life of the flesh, you are living the life of the Spirit, if the [Holy] Spirit of God [really] dwells within you [directs and controls you]….”

There’re Christians who are still easily controlled by how they feel and what their senses tell them to do. So, always, they pray, asking the Lord to help them overcome the flesh with its affections and lusts. That’s different and contradictory with what God’s Word tells us: “…Those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires” (Galatians 5:24).

You see, what you’re supposed to do is live the Word. God’s Word reveals your identity, heritage, origin and ability in Christ Jesus; it’s a mirror. Your responsibility is to accept the picture of you that the Word projects, and live accordingly. We read in our opening verse that you’re not in the flesh but in the Spirit. That’s the declaration of God; that’s how He sees you. Your recreated human spirit is perfected in Christ; so, what then? Galatians 5:16 states what you’re supposed to do and the result: “…Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.” You’re to walk in the Spirit because you’re born into the realm of the Spirit; you live in the Spirit; that’s your life now!

The reason some still find themselves struggling with unhealthy desires and habits is that they’re not walking in the consciousness of who they are in Christ; they’re not walking in the Spirit. How do you walk in the Spirit? It doesn’t mean floating in the air; it means walking in the light of God’s Word; walking in the light of who you are in Him.

Now that you’re born again, set your heart and desires on the things of the Spirit. If you find yourself desiring the things of the world, you ought to say, “No, that’s not who I am; I’m the righteousness of God in Christ; my spirit is clean; I’m a new creature. I thirst and go after God and His Word only. My affections are set on things above, not on things in the earth.” Hallelujah!


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? Go Deeper
Romans 8:1-2; Romans 8:5-9; Galatians 5:25

? Pray
Dear Father, I thank you for giving me the ability to comprehend who I am in Christ. I’m born of the Spirit and yielded to the Spirit, to do your will and walk in your light. My life is the expression and manifestation of your righteousness, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

? Daily Bible Reading

Romans 16:1-27, Psalms 102-103

Luke 16:13-18, Ruth 3-4

▶ Act
Study Galatians 5:1, 22-25. Declare that you are walking in the Spirit and bearing fruit in all areas of your life.

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