What is Sneako real name, age, girlfriend and net worth

Sneako is a very popular YouTuber. He has been usually the top-class celebrity whom you feel like finding next door thanks to his polite talk in his channel. He has been part of many podcasts in the past few years. He had collaborated with Jidon, Nick Fuentes, and Aba Altas for a few hours of shooting of an amazing podcast which has already gone viral thanks to Sneako. He has always been vocal about mental health and this podcast was no different at all. He explained how to deal with mental health too. Sneako recently told in an interview about her relationship and girlfriend.

Sneako Age

Sneako was born and brought up in the United States of America. He has always been in the news because this YouTuber always motivates people and also does a lot of commentary. He is born and brought up in the United States of America although his one parent is American while the other is of Filipino ascent. This 25 years old guy is very tall at 6 feet 2 inches. While he uploads a lot of gaming videos and later their description with proper analysis in the next video, still fans ask him queries regarding it, and he resolve them separately. He talks about a lot of daily life issues.

Sneako’s real name is Nicolas “Nico” Kenn De Balinthazy. He was born on 8 September 1998.

Sneako current relationship and girlfriend

Sneako is currently single and does not have got the right match. This star grew with TikTok but before even TikTok arrived in the scene he had got a good base of followers. In 2019 to be precise his growth went on positive graph. He produces constant videos so that fans remember him and do not forget him after watching one video. He is also affiliated with Quality Clothing which is a social media brand about clothing.

Sneako Net Worth

It is estimated that Sneako’s net worth is around 320k USD. He is an American internet personality and YouTuber who produces content centered around conservative Islamic beliefs. He is also associated with Quality Clothing brand. This is yet another source of income for the YouTuber. He became popular for the latest vlogs, online rants, and political content on YouTube. Sneako has 1.7 million followers on Instagram account.

Sneako on Rumble account

It’s great to hear that Sneako expressed gratitude to his followers for supporting him during his nine years on YouTube. Moving his videos to Rumble indicates a shift in his content hosting platform, possibly due to various reasons such as content policies, monetization options, or reaching a different audience.

Additionally, gaining 100k subscribers on Rumble within the next month suggests that his audience followed him to the new platform, showing their loyalty and interest in continuing to watch his content. This significant subscriber growth on Rumble indicates that Sneako’s content is still resonating well with viewers, and he is successfully building his audience on the new platform.

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