Rhapsody of Realities TeeVo

Friday, September 11th,2020;

(Fasting Amplifies God’s Signals In Your Spirit)

? Pastor Chris

Daniel 10:12 NASB “…He said to me, “Do not be afraid, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart on understanding this and on humbling yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to your words.””

“Why do we have to fast?” Mark asked his Cell leader during their meeting. “Can’t God just answer our prayers without us having to fast?” he went on. “God doesn’t answer our prayers because we fast,” his Cell leader replied, “our prayers are immediately heard and answered because we’re His beloved children.” Note the underlined part of our opening verse: Daniel’s prayer was answered the very first day he prayed. The important thing about fasting is the “purpose” of the fast. The quality of a fast isn’t so much dependent on its longevity as it is on its purpose.

God isn’t “moved” or influenced by the length of your fast. Your fasting only influences and affects you. Fasting makes you more conscious of the divine nature in you. Telecommunications companies use tall masts, rising high into the sky, to raise antennas above the “interference level” so they can receive clear signals from surrounding base stations. Similarly, fasting helps to raise your spiritual antenna so you can be attuned to God’s frequency in such a way that His signals are amplified and clearer to you. The kind of fast ’m referring to is the kind where you separate yourself from all distractions and spend time to pray, study, and meditate on God’s Word. At such times, it becomes easy for the Lord to get your attention, minister to you, and transform your life because your affection is fully set on Him.

Through this kind of purposeful fasting, your spirit stands up like a giant, the influence of the flesh wanes, and your divinity rises. At such a time, when you utter a word, it transcends the arena of the human mind; it proceeds from your spirit with the potency and energy of the Holy Ghost to accomplish what you desire. Hallelujah!


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? Go Deeper
Acts 13:2 AMPC; Acts 14:23; 1 Timothy 4:7-8 MSG

? Pray
Dear Father, my heart rejoices at your Word today. I’m launched into higher realms of prosperity, blessings, and glory. I walk in your perfect will for me, because I’m led by your Spirit from within, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

? Daily Bible Reading

2 Corinthians 11:1-15, Proverbs 29-31

Luke 22:24-34, 1 Samuel 30

▶ Act
Pick a special day in the coming week in which you’ll pray and fast, setting your heart on the Lord and His Word.

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