Zoe Adesina
Zoe Adesina is a Spoken Word Minister and a Christian Youth Leader.

“The church is my home. Literally.”
– Zoe Adesina
Zoe has been bred and raised in the church. Her parents were members of Christ Embassy and she was brought up with a Kingdom mindset especially that of the Believers’ Loveworld led by the highly esteemed Pst. Chris Oyakhilome (PhD).
Zoe Adesina was born on 24th May, 1992.
Zoe gave her heart to Christ at the early age of 8 during a Word Conference at Imperial College, London in the year 2000. She also gained the utterance of speaking in tongues on the same day.
Word Convention 2000 at Imperial College, London.
I remember that I was in Children’s Church and our teacher was about to take us into the main service but she admonished us first to make sure we pay attention and that we don’t see ourselves as just children but also as spirit beings who are able to receive God’s Word the same way an adult can. These words really spoke to my heart as I had always felt that I was babied when it came to the things of God because of my age.
But I decided that today would be different. As we entered the main auditorium, Pastor Chris was ministering to those who were not filled and as he released the Holy Spirit on us, I just blasted into tongues and from then on tongues became fluent to me.
From then on I refused to use my age as a precursor for my spiritual life. Many would assume that because of my Christian upbringing and the involvement and of my parents in ministry that I was bound to follow in their footsteps.
I often felt the pressure of always having to come up to a certain standard because many we watch me and see me as a exemplar Christian. From a young age, a lot was expected of me in terms of exhibiting exactly how one should live as a Christian and this was simply because my parents were both pastors.
I always managed to come up to standards of what men thought was acceptable of a Christian but I always felt this disconnect between me and God. I always so longed for a deep relationship with God but I never dawned on me how to achieve this.
And as a result of this yearning, I looked for it in other places. I think many teenagers would have been in my position.
Pastor Chris says that the number one problem many people have, especially Christians, is an identity crisis and I looking back at who I used to be, I can really understand this truth. Despite the fact that I was a Christian, the lifestyle was gradually disconnecting from my heart.
I would go to church every Sunday and Wednesday but afterwards I would be just like any other person; wanting and longing for the things that people of this world wanted. After experiencing the discontentment of still not finding what I was looking for, I became insecure and depressed.
Many would have just diagnosed me as ‘going through that stage’ or just behaving like a ‘normal teenager’ so I accepted it as that; not remembering all the times I had been told and taught in church that I am not ordinary, and that I am destined for greatness. I continued in this state until one day that I found out that my parents were being transferred to Canada.
I found out from overhearing a phone call to my mother. She didn’t know that I was aware and I kept it a secret that I knew until the day it was announced in our church.
This news really struck me from my core because I had the mindset of living in London my whole life. I could never imagine myself living anywhere else or being torn apart from all those I held so dearly for most of life.
At the time, I didn’t see that this drastic change was not only part of God’s plan for my life but also a strategy God implemented to save me from the path I was headed on. My parents allowed me to stay an extra year to finish high school but when it came to the final stages of me moving to Canada, I really began to feel like so much of my life was disappearing; as though everything I knew no longer existed; as though I was starting afresh.
As I arrived in Canada, the reality of this ‘fresh slate’ I had been given became clearer. I reminisced over my old life and saw that I needed to make a change.
I went back to that hunger I had for a deep relationship with God and I made up my mind that I would find it and I knew that God saw my desire and brought about a means for it to happen. One day when I was getting my hair done, the lady that was doing my hair was a Christian and we got into a conversation about relationships.
And she said something profound about love. She said that it was all about commitment.
That God is love because He was fully committed to ensuring that He could draw mankind back to Him. These words took me back to a novel I had once read called ‘The Divine Romance’ by Gene Edwards; about God’s tireless and well-executed plan to recapture the love of his creation.
It made me think of God’s tireless efforts to recapture my love and it became so much clearer to me. I asked the lady for the book that she had read that got her to this revelation and she told me that it was called ‘I Kissed Dating Goodbye’ by Joshua Harris.
The title took me aback but I was still intrigued on its content. My mother was present and she soon bought the book for me to read.
As soon as I got that book, I couldn’t put it down. I read it all in 3 days and it hit the hammer right on the head for me! It brought to light the true meaning of love and the reason I didn’t have to look for true love anywhere but in God.
I had finally reached this place of intimacy with God. The revelation of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ had reached epignosis.
I was at the place I had desired to be for so long. This is when I had pieced together all the instances that God had worked just to draw me closer to him and I could do nothing but cry tears of joy to know that God loved me so much and went to such lengths just so that I can know that He loves me despite all the times I had ignored and refused his love.
This was the greatest revelation I had ever received – the love of Christ just for me!! And I am today in terms of my spiritual life and every other aspect of my life is a testimony of God’s work in me. I shall continue to grow and improve till the day of Jesus Christ.
Zoe Adesina’s Parents
Pastor Kay and Kemi Adesina.
She is a Graduate of Commerce (BCom), Finance and Economics ( – University of Toronto. She also has a Graduate Certificate, in Interactive Media Management from the Centennial College.
Zoe Adesina Nationality
Zoe Adesina’s Passion
I am passionate about all things digital media and I enjoy creating a new story with every project that I undertake.
I love working in teams and I know other people have infinite amounts of potential so I make deliberate efforts to pull that potential to the surface, as part of a team or in a leadership position.
I am always ready to pull my sleeves up and tackle a problem with an open mind and great determination.
I am known for:
• Public speaking and presenting ideas to clients
• Maintaining and building client relationships
• Teaching new and emerging concepts– Zoe Adesina
Spoken Word Artiste of the Year in the senior category – 2016
Winner from Christ Embassy Canada Zone
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dvqPWiZAos[/embedyt]