Have Your Attention Focused On The Lord And His Word

Rhapsody of Realities Teevo , 3rd February , 2021


(Have Your Attention Focused On The Lord And His Word)


“For the Lord God helps Me; therefore have I not been
ashamed or confounded. Therefore have I set My face like a flint, and I know
that I shall not be put to shame.”


“What a weird lady,” “Holy Polly,” and “Bible hugger” were
some taunting remarks Polly got whenever she walked into her lecture room. She
was excellent in her grades, and born again. She’d recently started sharing her
love for the Lord Jesus with her class members every morning, and it got a few
classmates ticked off. So, they tried their best to demotivate her daily, but
Polly remained resolute and unscathed as she continued sharing the Gospel and
passion for the Lord.

Many years ago, the Lord said to me, “Son, don’t look
around. Be focused; refuse to be distracted.” In the New Testament, the Bible
talks about Jesus in Luke 9:51 AMPC: “Now when the time was almost come for
Jesus to be received up [to heaven], He steadfastly and determinedly set His
face to go to Jerusalem.” Why was His face set steadfastly on His destination?
He knew that was His last visit to Jerusalem, and this time, it was for His
life; He was going to the Cross to die for the sins of the world, and He wasn’t
going to let anyone distract Him from it.

Some Christians have found themselves being distracted by
too many things. They can’t accomplish much in life that way. When you’re a
young man or woman of purpose and vision, you’re not perturbed about the world,
because you know that you’re not of this world. You must remain focused on the
dream, the vision, that the Lord has put in your heart. Have a tunnel-vision
towards God’s agenda. It’s the way to win.

Nothing in, and of this world can place a limit on you or
cause you to be disadvantaged, because you won before you came. You were
already a success before you started. Therefore, set your sail and rule your

Go Deeper

Hebrews 12:1-2 AMPC; 1 Corinthians 15:58


Dear Father, I thank you for the high calling with which you
called me in Christ Jesus. My eyes are on you, the author and perfecter of my
faith. I don’t see shadows; I’m walking in your perfect will and destiny for my
life, victorious all the way, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Daily Bible Reading


Matthew 24:1-35, Exodus 26-27


Acts 15:1-11, Job 38-39


Plan to share the Word with those you meet today.

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