How old is Skeng? age, real name and net worth

Skeng is one of the most well-known UK grime musicians of the early twenty-first century. Stephen Kairu, better known as Skeng, was born in East London in 1993. He began composing music at a young age, motivated by London’s burgeoning grime culture and the city’s numerous emerging talents. He had already published many mixtapes and songs by his late teens, receiving popularity from both local and international audiences.

Who is Skeng?

Skeng is a popular UK based singer and song-writer who is 27-years old who is known for his unique style singing and rap music.

Skeng’s debut as a grime musician began in 2009 with the release of his track ” P’s and Q’s”. The record was an instant smash, catapulting him to prominence in the grime genre. He went on to release numerous more songs throughout the years, each one receiving greater attention than the previous.

Skeng music career

Skeng’s most famous tune to date is “Gangsters,” which was included on BBC Radio 1Xtra’s A-List in 2013. He published his first album, “The Adventures of Skeng”, in 2016, which had collaborations with some of the greatest names in UK music, including Kano, Ghetts, Dizmack, and Wiley. The album was well-received by reviewers and fans alike, and he was nominated for Best Grime Act at the MOBO Awards the following year.

Legacy and songs

Skeng has released eight studio albums since 2009, including three mixtapes, four EPs, and one studio album. “P’s and Q’s” (2009), “Gangsters” (2013), “The Adventures of Skeng” (2016), “Chasing Time” (2018), and “The Re-Up” (2020) are among his albums.

Skeng is primarily considered one of the ancestors of current UK grime music. His distinct style and passionate lyrics have gained him acclaim from both domestic and international audiences. His effect on UK music can still be felt today, and he serves as an inspiration to many aspiring musicians.

Skeng Net Worth

The Skeng net worth is $1.57 million. He is signed to multiple music brands GB Records London, One Germs Gad and RG Music/Geejam Recordings.

Skeng has been nominated for a number of accolades over his career. He was nominated for Best Grime Act at the MOBO Awards and Best Hip-Hop Act at the Urban Music Awards in 2016. He has also received multiple honors, including Best Grime Act at the 2016 AIM honors and Best Rap/Grime Act at the 2018 Music Week Awards.

His fans love his unique rap style and music. He had been already released two albums in 2023 which topped UK charts.

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