Outwardly Express Your Righteousness


(Outwardly Express Your Righteousness)

TO THE BIBLE 1 Timothy 4:8 NIV

“…Physical training is of some value, but godliness has
value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to


Every child of God ought to have a well-directed reverence
or piety towards God. As our Father, He expects us to handle ourselves in a
godly manner. There’re things you do that mark you out as a godly person. Take
praying for example. Not everyone who prays is a Christian, but every Christian
ought to pray.

By virtue of your new birth, you already have the
righteousness of God in you. But you must express your righteousness outwardly.
This is where piety (or godliness) comes in. It’s the demonstration of your
reverence for God and your devotion to spiritual things. It means you live your
life in such a way that people can take one look at you and say: “That’s a
child of God.”

Aside prayer, other godly activities you engage in that
stand you out as a Christian include going to church, studying the Word, soul
winning, fasting, and giving. Furthermore, as a godly person, there’re certain
places you shouldn’t be found in. If you have to be in such places, then your
mission must be clear, and you should go in with godly piety.

There’re things you shouldn’t do, and there’re words that
you shouldn’t say; there’re just certain things that shouldn’t be found in your
character as a godly person. Even the way you dress should have some piety to
it. There’s a decency that goes with the Spirit of God, and that decency must
reflect in every aspect of your life.

Go Deeper

Luke 4:16, 2 Peter 1:5-7


Dear Father, I thank you for your Word and the guidance of
your Spirit in my life. Through your Word, my character is molded to reflect
moral excellence and your righteousness that’s in my Spirit. I inspire many to
righteousness today, in the Name of Jesus. Amen.

Daily Bible Reading


Mark 1:1-20, Leviticus 6-7


Acts 18:1-11, Psalm 19-20

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