Rhapsody Of Realities TeeVo Devotional April 6th – Stay In The Family!

(Remain In Fellowship With God’s People)TO THE BIBLE: Hebrews 10:25 AMPC“Not forsaking or neglecting to assemble together [as believers], as is the habit of some people, but admonishing (warning, urging, and encouraging) one another, and all the more faithfully as you see the day approaching.”LET’S TALKLions are one of the strongest and most ferocious animals in the wild, but they’re not the biggest or the quickest.When they want to go after a herd of buffalo or wildebeest, for instance, they know they’ll be no match for those huge animals with their long, sharp horns and stampeding hooves. They don’t just pounce on the entire herd; that’ll be suicidal!So, what do they do? They harass the herd in a bid to isolate one of them and look out for that one that goes astray. Once they can cut that one off from the herd, they focus their attack on it.That’s just like satan; when he seeks to attack a Christian, he first lures that one away from the family of God to make him vulnerable. He’s easily scared, and wouldn’t take on all Christians at once, except the one who has strayed or isolated himself from the spiritual family, the protective hedge of the Church.That’s why you must take your church meetings and fellowship with fellow Christians very seriously. They provide the opportunity for us to strengthen ourselves in the presence of the Lord.As you share and fellowship with other Christians who believe the Word like you, you’re fortified. Stay in the Church; stay in fellowship with God’s people.There isn’t any one of us who doesn’t need others. We need one another. You belong in a spiritual family; never isolate yourself.Go DeeperEphesians 2:19; Hebrews 10:25; 1 Peter 2:5Pray:Dear Father, I thank you for making me a member of your spiritual family where I’m taught the Word, trained in righteousness, and strengthened to prevail over all of life’s challenges. I live triumphantly today, and always, perfected by your Word, and the Spirit, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.Daily Bible ReadingONE YEARLuke 11:1-13, Judges 1-2TWO YEARMatthew 27:45-54, Leviticus 6Act:Make sure you don’t miss the next meeting with your fellow Christians.

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