Successful WSVN journalist Diana Diaz biography, age and married life

Diana Diaz, who is famous for working with the WSVN 7News as an anchor. She is from Miami, her fan following is touching the sky, Diaz loves to be the part of the #1 appraised morning broadcast in South Florida. The reporter is holding an American nationality, there are tons of people, who loves her work and journalism. What is Diana Diaz’s age, husband and net worth?

Diana Diaz Biography

Diana Diaz’s date of birth is March 18, Nicaragua, United States of America, as of now her age is around 33 years old. Her height is 5 feet 6 inches, her weight is not known. At present, she is the anchor of WSVN-TV channel 7 in Miami, Florida. She is also a co-anchor of WSVN’s entertainment show named Deco Driver Presents entertainment hot gossip.

Diana Diaz Age

Name: Diana Diaz
Date of Birth: March 18
Birthplace: Nicaragua, USA
Age: 33 years old
Nationality: American
Net Worth: $727,444 USD
Profession: Journalist
Height: 5 feet 6 inches

Diana Diaz journalism career

Diana Diaz is professionally an American journalist, who is working for WSVN 7News as an anchor. Diaz was born in Nicaragua, but she has spent her early years in Miami. She has completed her graduation from the Coral Gables Senior High School, she was also the part of National Champion dance group The Gablettes. In her career, she has been the vice president of Alpha Delta Pi Sorority.

Diaz is a TV personality, who is also an entertainer apart from being a journalist, in Fan Jamz. It is a hilarious and ethics-based dramatic show for youngsters, she is a mentor for youth cheer and dance. Her name and fame are rising in the course of time.

Diana Diaz’s family background is no

Diana Diaz husband and kids

t known yet, hence her mother’s and father’s names are not familiar neither their profession. Let’s dive into her personal life, as far as we know her marital status is married. Diana’s husband’s name is not made public, by the grace of God the couple is blessed with children, she has a baby boy, whose name is Don.

Diana Diaz Net Worth

As per our calculation, Diana Diaz’s estimated net worth is $727,444 USD as of now. These days she is earning a decent amount of money, her popularity is riding with her net worth. As per the report she earns an average salary of $74,255 USD every year, her main source is her professional journalism. Diana is a prominent figure in journalism field.

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