Take Your Place Of Authority As A King-Priest


Take Your Place Of Authority As A King-Priest

TO THE BIBLE Isaiah 60:18 AMPC


“Violence shall no more be heard in your land, nor
devastation or destruction within your borders, but you shall call your walls
Salvation and your gates Praise.”


“Hi, Brian, how are you, Derek told me you’ve been feeling
downcast, what’s wrong?” Nathan, Brian’s and Derek’s friend wondered.

“Yeah, I just wished I could do something about the
wickedness and deceptions ravaging our country and other nations as well. It’s
so sad,” Brian lamented.

“But Brian,” Nathan responded, “as Christians, we’re the
restraining force against evil in the world today. We’ve got the authority in
the Name of Jesus to frustrate these satanic activities. So, instead of idly
observing the false news out there, take your place, alongside other
Christians, as a king-priest and declare God’s will concerning the nations of
the world in prayer.” And as Nathan concluded his words, they all joined hands to
pray for the nations of the world.

The spate of evil, wickedness and deception perpetrated by
Satan and his cohorts around the world today is something only the Church of
Jesus Christ can cut a swathe through. We’re the restraining force against evil
in the earth today. We have the authority in the Name of Jesus to frustrate
these satanic activities. Don’t sit idly by; take your position as a king priest,
taking sides with the Lord in bringing His will to pass on earth. The devil and
his cohorts often try to deceive people into thinking they are helpless in the
face of the evil and wicked acts perpetrated by demon spirits in the world, but
that’s all lies! In the place of prayer, we can establish God’s righteousness
in places previously run by devils; we can take sides with the Lord in
establishing His will on the earth.

Even now, declare boldly that the wicked spirits responsible
for the upheaval and evil in the nations of the world are cut down, and that
God’s glory reigns in the earth. In these last days, God’s people shall
continually declare His righteousness and praise boldly, leading more souls
into salvation in Christ Jesus.

Go Deeper

Jeremiah 30:19; Philippians 4:6-7; Colossians 2:6-7


Dear Father, I take my place as a king-priest and put a stop
to the evil plans and manoeuvres of Satan; I declare that the light of the
Gospel shines gloriously around the world, and many become partakers of God’s
grace, love and righteousness, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Daily Bible Reading


Matthew 10:1-23, Genesis 31-33


Acts 9:1-9, Esther 7-8


Read the Psalmist’s inspiring words in Psalm 149:5-9. Then
pray fervidly in the spirit, affirming that all those instigating the agenda of
the antichrist in our day, their folly is made manifest, and their wicked works
exposed and thwarted.

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