We are discussing the mystery of Christ. A lot of people don’t know about this.
For example they shut down the congregations, so how will they know? Jesus had such challenges with the religious leaders of his day. Matthew 22:43-46.
David said The lord said to my lord, and the Pharisees sang about it. Then Jesus said if David called him lord, how come he is his son? And they couldn’t answer him.

Christ is the English of the Greek kristos, which is from the Hebrew meshiach, which in English means the anointed. This is significant.
Meshiacha means to smear, to rub, to anoint. Meshiach is used for the one that anoints. This goes for the blessing. You can only bless the one that is blessed. If you’re not blessed, the blessing won’t work. The anointed means the one consecrated by God, it has nothing to do with the oil. Get our book the oil and the mantle.
When the oil is used, it is only symbolic. If God didn’t anoint you, it doesn’t matter how many bottles of oil has been poured on you. It won’t work. God makes a choice, and he anoints the one he chose, by the spirit. So the oil is used as a symbol of the spirits consecration. When this is done, it means symbolically, this one is chosen by God and is chosen to what God wants to do. 1 Samuel 16:6 Samuel went to Jesse’s house and was ready to anoint eliab. Let’s read.

1 Samuel 16:12 He was looking for the lord’s anointed, not the “would-be” anointed.
Here’s an interesting thing, if David called him lord, how then did he call him his son. That means David had a better understanding of the Christ, than the Pharisees did. If David called him lord, what else might he said about this Christ. Seems he knew better than the Pharisees, so if I want to find out about the Christ, I would ask David and not the Pharisees.

Let’s find out what he knows: Acts 2:25-28
29 was Peter preaching, and he was preaching this on the day of Pentecost. Peter states emphatically that David was a prophet.
Vs 32. This is remarkable, because here we see that Jesus did go to hell. And his flesh didn’t see corruption, means his body didn’t decay. So he went to hell but did not remain in hell, neither did his body decay.
Vs 33. I love this, I wish I could take time to express this truth, who this Jesus is… Do you know what this is? I’m gonna have to come back to this, so I can explain it to you….let’s continue.
Vs 34: the lord said unto my lord, remember that. He was talking about the Christ.
He declared that this Jesus whom they crucified, God has made him both lord and Christ. Who was the anointed one supposed to be? He was supposed to be king. The messiah is king. They knew it. So he declares that God has made him both lord and king. He’s the anointed. Do you know what he charged them with? He charged him with killing the king. They didn’t know who he was. Now
They’re hearing that this Jesus they crucified is both lord and Christ. He is the anointed one. This is something. We are talking about Jesus. We are not talking about some poor fellow who is looking for help from God. He is lord and Christ.

Let’s go to zechariah, here is what the prophet said Zechariah 9:9. The first thing that the Christ is king. He wasn’t a savior, having a crown. He is king having salvation. He is lowly, you’re not gonna see him, looking greatly dressed with regalia like the king. You’re not gonna see him dressed like Herod or Caesar. Think about he comes riding on a donkey. Some thought that he was going to come on a chariot with a great army. But he comes on a donkey. Who is he, thy king. Matthew 21:1-5. Wow wow wow!
Go to Saint John 12, we read from verse 12. The common people had enough sense to tell who he was. John 12:13 they knew, it was the leaders that didn’t know. John 12:16. They saw it happen but didn’t understand. His disciples didn’t understand. The common people understood. The religious leaders didn’t understand. Luke 19:34-39( the Pharisees wanted him to shut his disciples up). Vs 40 -Jesus is saying I am king.
Luke 19:41- the Bible said Jesus wept over it.
Luke 19:44. How painful, the king was rejected. They didn’t know who he was. Had they known the scriptures they would have known. The leaders were ignorant of the scriptures.

Daniels 9:24. Seventy weeks ( I explained this to you before). He gave Daniel an overview, from then till the end of time.

Daniel 9:25- specific. See the lord never left the people in darkness. He was always clear. There was four commandments given in all. Cyrus came, Darius came, Darius commandment was to finish Cyrus work. Artaxexes came. Each had their commandments, while the first two were to handle the sacrifices and the temple. the latter was to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.
There was definiteness from God, as to when the king would come. How come they still didn’t know it?
They didn’t reject him because they knew he was to do die. They did so because they were hardened, unbelieving and didn’t know him.

We have to take the word seriously. The word is truth. We are not only to believe it, but to act on it. His wordens are very important. I’ve told you, we are living in the signs of the times. You have to put your life in order. You have to believe in who he is and what he came to do.
Acts 2:34-35, Matthew 22:41-
Who is Jesus talking about? The Christ. So when he quoted David, Jesus was saying this was talking about himself. David was talking about the Christ.

1 Corinthians 15: 25.This was an expose by Paul about the resurrection. Notice the language, he didn’t say he shall reign when his enemies are under his feet; he said he must reign till all of them are under his feet. This is remarkable.
We are backing up to verse 23, to put it in perspective. 1 Corinthians 15:23-26. So he says death is going to be destroyed. Interesting. Now I want you with this in mind, go to Hebrews 2:8( who is he talking about? He’s talking about man. Go to verse 7, who? Man.)
Verse 9-10. He’s saying that because man sinned, he fell from the position God put him, which is over all the works of God’s hand. But we see Jesus. So Jesus is the second Adam with all authority. All authority has been vested in the name of Jesus. Man may not have the power to change his life as his desires, but if he would use the name of Jesus, all things are possible. Death came into the world through, death passed upon every man. So when Jesus came, he gave us life. In his name, there’s power, deliverance. It is all vested in his name.

So, how does he reign? He’s not here, he ascended to heaven. Alright, I’m gonna show you something. You can go to Romans 5:17. So Jesus is the name that reigns. This is the name of the king, the messiah the Christ, his name is Jesus. Let’s read from Philippians 2:5- ( I explained this to you the other time, about Christ not thinking it robbery)
Philippians 2:10-11 ( remember he is both lord and Christ). What a name. So this takes us into Ephesians 1, and I want you to follow this, cos now (Pastor blows). Ephesians 1:17 ( the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him, wow)

First you have to understand what he is like, the power, authority and glory that he has. Who is he? What power does he wield. We take about the force. How powerful and mighty is he. Who is this Christ? So you can understand why we are bold and confident. Because we know the one we have believed in. If you don’t know him, how can you believe? Ephesians 1:21. He says after Jesus died and resurrected, because of that humility and obedience, God gave him a position that is far above. Ephesians 1:22, all things are under his feet.

Here’s the difference between the legal and vital statement. The legal statement is that God had subdued all things under his feet. In other words, God has done it. The only reason we can cast out devils is because all things have been subdued under his feet. If that power wasn’t available unto them and they had to wait till the millennial reign, it means that all that we read in acts would not have happened. So because the name has authority, they cast out demons, and the same authority is what we are using to cast out demons today, and they’re fleeing, all over the world.
Ephesians 1:23- I need to break this down for you properly, so you can understand.
Jesus is both lord and Christ. He is the anointed. In whom all the glories and graces of God have been vested. All of God is vested in Jesus.
Acts 2:32-33. I’m trying to show you, here, how great this Jesus is, and the place that he occupies in the godhead. Did you know that it is Jesus who distributes the Holy Ghost. We refer to him in Matthew 1:18, as the child of the Holy Ghost, but Jesus is the one with the right and power to give the Holy Ghost to men. How great is he?
Peter said Jesus received the promise from the father and has given us to him. John 14:26- whom the father will send in my name, do you know what that means. So the father would send the Holy Ghost in the name of Jesus. When you pray in the mane of Jesus, it is taken as though Jesus said it. We’ve gotten the power of attorney. This means the father can’t do anything on the earth, without the name of Jesus. Because the earth belongs to Jesus, therefore it belongs to God. God needs the authority in the name of Jesus to do anything. John 15:26- Jesus would send the Holy Ghost from the father. Who is this Jesus that he would have the authority to send the Holy Ghost who proceeds from the father?!
There’s a scripture in the king James, that other translations have an issue expressing because they’re trying to contextualize it, instead of doing so with the body of truth. Revelation 11:15. King James understood he shall reign forever and ever.
Revelation 11:17- king James says “and hast reign”, other translations say “shall reign”. The Greek says “thou didst reign”, which is what the king James says. (Pastor read from the Douey-Rheins version).
Verse 18. And the nations were angry. So he wasn’t talking about the millennial, because it is a time of judgement. The nations didn’t have time to be angry. So it’s referring to something earlier. The nations were angry with the lord’s anointed. But he did reign, 1 Corinthians 15:25. And he is reigning through his church. His name has power. And you can have dominion over the powers of darkness. Imagine if the church knew this. Most never knew because they never learned it. Pastor said he had asked people over the years, what did you receive now that you’re born again.
The first thing you receive, when you are born again is Eternal life. The life and nature of God that is imparted to your spirit when you got born again. When you were born into this world, you were born with human life. That’s why Jesus said “You must be born again”. when you’re born again, your human life is supplanted. Eternal life replaces your human life. They were not placed side by side. And when you have this eternal life, no sickness or disease can have dominion over you. If you don’t know, you will be sick like them.
Christianity is not a religion. When you receive this life, you’re completely changed. We are not into religion. Many think this way and they are wrong.

You would know what it is in the next few days, and suddenly you would be awakened to its reality; And you would live it everyday. 2 Corinthians 5:17 would be made clear to you and you would live the life of this creature that you are. Then prayer becomes a completely different thing, and you would know what it really means.

Pastor gives a call for salvation.
Pastor reveals that we hit another 3 billion people that prayed in this past Global day of prayer.

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