What is Angry Ginge real name? Twitch streamer age and net worth

AngryGinge! Well, this name is known to the users of the Twitch and Tiktok. He makes and streams comedy, gaming and football based contents. His YouTube channel angryginge13 is also popular among fans. Also, the streamer has 343K followers on Instagram. He has been getting huge number of followers since ages. It has been skillful streaming that has given him a huge edge in the market. He has built up an amazing base already through the years. What is his real name, age and net worth?

Angry Ginge age

Angry Ginge is a digital content creator who has born on November 13, 2001. He is 21 years old. The Angry Ginge real name is Morgan Burtwistle.

His major social account name is AngryGinge13 and is boasting around 400,000 followers in Twitch while checking around September 2023. The numbers and loyalty of his fans are incredible without any doubt.

AngryGinge on Twitch

AngryGinge primarily is popular because of main work of social media influencing. He has been making funny videos in Twitch and also does gaming streams. His bio has got “I am a ginger“. He says that he has a joke and a laugh do not need to be offended. His real name is Morgan Burtwistle. His funny videos mostly go viral and people get hooked to his content mostly. His videos tend to show his light side always without getting diverted. He has got a huge base of loyal followers quite easily and that gets him going always.

Angry Ginge streams gaming content on his Twitch streams.

What are AngryGinge’s most famous videos?

AngryGinge has got many videos but his gaming streams including the FIFA ones. He even gets angry at the game and sometimes he ends up falling of the chair. He garners views through these types of content mostly. He has got a cool VR headset too. He dances and enjoys the Just Dance game. He has always enjoyed playing the game and once he revealed the FIFA pack he got and he was amazed seeing Pele there. He realised and was quite excited. He is a very lively streamer and enjoys streaming quality videos while keeping his followers very much hooked.

Angry Ginge had uploaded many posts about football and fans on his Instagram profile.

Angry Ginge Net Worth

The Angry Ginge net worth is calculated as $2.3 million.

Morgan Burtwistle makes revenue through YouTube, Twitch and Tiktok platforms. He has massive fan following on social media.

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