What is Mimi Keene ethnicity? Sex Education 4 cast age and family

Mimi Keene has gained widespread popularity and media headlines in the film and television industry for the work in popular series “Sex Education”. She is known as a prominent British actress for her amazing acting work. She was born on 5 August, 1998 in the Hertfordshire, United Kingdom. From the very childhood she was having keen interest in the entertainment industry. Her memorable work includes the name of character Candy Williams in the British soap opera “EastEnders”. In the character of Cindy Williams, she successfully delivered her role as the Daughter of main character. She gained a lot of praise from the audience for her dedicated work in the show.

Mimi Keene in Sex Education series

Talking about her success, her fans still remember her role of Ruby Matthews in the Netflix series “Sex Education”. Her role described her as a dominant and multidimensional character. She gained international recognition after her performance in “Sex Education”. Along with acting, she is also active on social media platforms. She is having a huge fan base over there. She is a role model for her generation people.

Mimi Keene Age

Talking about her age, she is around 25 years old. Getting this much popular at such a young age is really a big achievement of her life. She looks attractive with a height scale of 158 centimeters or 5 feet 2 inches and weight of around 54 kilograms. She is having slender, slim body structure with a beautiful face. She is having British nationality. She was born and raised in United Kingdom. Her peak performance in the Netflix series “Sex Education”, was renowned in the year 2019, for excellent performance as the character of Ruby Matthews. This is well expected by her fans that in the upcoming years she will surely work on some more interesting projects of entertainment industry.

Mimi Keene Origin and family background

Mimi Keene’s ethnicity is of Italian and Middle Eastern heritage. His dad name is Hassan Saeed and mother is Alexis Keene.

People get highly influenced by her dressing style. Especially for girls, she is a role model for interesting dress and makeup styles. She tries to update her fans regarding her regular life details through her social media platforms. Her one of the best medium to express to her fans, either a feeling of joy or discomfort, is social media. Along with love from people of her generation, she is having a recognizable fan base accompanied from people away from her generation too. Mimi Keene has 3 million followers on Instagram.

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