Who are Greg Fergus parents? Descent origin and wife of First Black House Speaker

Greg Fergus is the Canada’s First Black House Speaker who will take position after resignation of the previous Speaker amidst controversy over a Nazi remarks in parliament. Greg Fergus is a popular name now in Canada and who does not know him? Greg is a great politician from Canada and has been consistently creating good political goals for the people to follow. He has been a very sorted politicians and he is quite appreciated not only in Canada but also around the world usually. He sets the right example of how a politician should live and lead the people in the right way more often than not. His amicable record of winning the election speaks for itself usually. Here we have some unknown facts of Greg Fergus origin and family.

Greg Fergus political career

Greg Fergus whose full name is Gregory Cristophe Fergus is a highly known politician. He is currently the speaker in the House of Commons. He has been in this prestigious role in Canada since October 3, 2023. He is now officially the 38th speaker of the House of the Commons in Canada. He has usually avoided the limelight but he is currently in it because of being elected to the house of commons and being the first black guy in Canada who has been the speaker of the house of commons in Canada. It makes us curious to know more about him. He is married and lives with family in Quebec city of Canada.

Greg Fergus wife

The Greg Fergus wife name is Julie Cool.

This sorted speaker first joined the Liberal Party when he was young. He was motivated to join politics because of his father who is a socialist and believed in diversity in Canada. His mother and siblings are equally involved in political scenario giving an idea regarding how socially motivated are this whole family. They prefer the values of equality and progress in this country that is growing exponentially because of the respect for the diversity usually. His family are proud that they have got a speaker of color in India and that too their own family member.

Greg Fergus family and origin

Greg Fergus family background is not available at this moment. Fergus’ grandfather moved to Canada from the British colony of Montserra. Fergus found his passion in political field and elected as the member of Liberal Party in 2015 elections.

The Greg Fergus net worth is estimated as $1.14 million.

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