Who is Dave Canales wife? Panthers coach salary and net worth

Who is Panthers coach Dave Canales? Is he married or not? What do we know so far about his wife Lizzy Canales? Dave Canales is a known name in the sports world who is making buzz for his new book called “This Marriage”. He is a very known player in National Football League. He is recently the part of the winning team of Super Bowl championship. Let’s know Dave Canales’s relationship and life.

Dave Canales Biography

Dave Canales is professional football head coach who is qualified from Azusa Pacific. Currently, he is serving as the head coach of the Panthers.

He has been playing well with Tampa Bay Buccaneers and that is why many franchises are following him. His classic approach to the offensive game has helped him grow well. He has always been known as the offensive coordinator and right now he has been always focused on designing the offensive plans for Tampa Bay Buccaneers that has usually delivered the usual results. He has already been working at the next level of game and that is why he is appreciated by many people.

Knowing about Dave Canales wife

Dave Canales is of height around 6 feet 1 inch and weighs around 82 kgs. His eye color is brown and his skin color is tan. His hair color is dark brown. His birth date is around May 7, 1981 and his age is around 42 years old as of now. His birth place is Harbor City, California, The United States of America.

Dave Canales is married to his girlfriend since quite a time and his partner name is Lizzy Canales. He has got 4 children Ashby, Bejamin, Beatrice, and Amaya. He has got a good cozy family which loves him a lot. In his recent book, he shared about his personal faith and love life.

Dave Canales net worth and contract

Dave Canales has got a net worth of around 1.5 million USD in 2024. He has left Tampa Bay Buccaneers recently for being the head coach of Panthers. His next target is quite sorted and he looks ready for the new challenge as of now without any hint of doubt. He is having a very successful career as of now.

Dave Canales had already signed a six-years contract to Panther’s head coach. The deal amount is not disclosed in public but he will receive a smart pay from the deal and contract.

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