Who is Sam Hyde? Doja Cat wears Neo Nazi selfie shirt in pictures

Doja Cat, this is a very popular name when it comes singing and songwriting. She is facing backlash for wearing t-shirt online with Sam Hyde selfie on it. Netizens reacted to Doja Cat’s pictures shared to social media. The singer is of black race and Jewish ethnicity. You can she Doja Cat recently with a selfie, wearing a shirt that had a controversial figure on it. This featured image showed that how controversial Doja Cat is right now. The figure name is Sam Hyde. Sam Hyde is a comedian and boxer who is known for comedy and prank videos. It will be quite interesting to know about this right comedian and troll who has always been in controversy.

Who is Sam Hyde?

Sam Hyde is a person who has been popular as a stand up comedian. In the mid 2010s, his routine of stand ups were quite ripe. He went with homophobic slurs, conspiracy theories which were quite anti-Semitic, neo-Nazi terminology, and many similar controversial things. His full name is Samuel Whitcomb Hyde. He has been quite famous as those were far rightist times and all loved his work. This guy went on to become controversial figure when people realized the issues behind such works. It is quite difficult to maintain a good sketch in dark comedy and that is why he fell the victim of it. Sam’s runs his official YouTube channel where he posts prank and song videos.

Sam Hyde and his career

Sam’s career growth has had a positive graph in early 2000s. He went to become prominent with Adult Swim show Million Dollar Extreme Presents: World Peace. It premiered way back in August 2016. The show was cancelled in four months as he said he supported Donald Trump in president campaigns. He also went on to attack Jewish people somehow and that did not work well for him. He has been going through a dark period himself due to his faults. Now, he is in news headlines again due to singer Doja Cat.

Doja Cat wears t-shirt with selfie Sam Hyde

Sam Hyde is a controversial figure in country. Doja Cat shared the selfie pictures on social media and netizens quickly identified the comedian as Sam Hyde. Fans seems to be confused that why she did this?

Many users expressed their anger on this post and criticized the singer for the controversy. It sparked a new debate among fans over social media.

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