Favoured & Graced


Pastor Chris

Favoured And Graced

Wednesday 03 March

You bless righteous people, O Lord. Like a large shield, you surround them with your favor.
Psalm 5:12 GW

To favour means to ‘delight in’ or ‘to be fond of’. It’s like a magnet that attracts good things to you!
Isaac was a favoured and graced man. He sowed in a dry land during famine and in the same year, reaped a hundred-fold harvest, and lived in plenty whilst others lacked (Genesis 26:12-13). That’s the effect of God’s favour and grace.
You’re a favoured child. Therefore, like a magnet, you’re attracting good things. Everything you do is fruitful and productive. People will look for ways to help you and show you kindness because you’re favoured and graced.

:book: Scripture Reading
Psalm 102:13

Say This
I’m highly favoured of God and positioned by His grace for a life of peace and total prosperity.
Glory to God!

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