If You Love The Lord, You’ll Go Out For Him

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LOVE’S PUSH (If You Love The Lord, You’ll Go Out For Him)

? Pastor Chris

1 Corinthians 13:13 TLB “There are three things that remain-faith, hope, and love-and the greatest of these is love.”

I once listened to a dear minister of God preach and, during her teaching, she made a statement that has stayed with me for so long. She said, “Lord Jesus, I have nothing to give you but my love.” | thought, “What could be better than that?” What else could we give Him but our love! In Proverbs 23:26, the Lord said, “My son, give me your heart and let your eyes observe and delight in my ways” (AMPC). That’s what He’s asking for; nothing could be better to give Him than your love.

This is so important because it’s all you need to do His work. Your love for Him will propel you to live for Him and fulfil His call on your life. The question is, “Do you love Jesus?” If you do, whether or not you heard a voice “calling” you to do His work makes no difference. What will count with God is how much you love Him and what that love drives you to do to the glory of His name.

When you preach the Gospel, for example, sometimes you might think, “Hey, am | “called” into the ministry”; at that moment of thought, look into your heart and ask yourself “Do I love the Lord?” If you do, it means you already heeded love’s call, and that’s the greatest call.

If the devil tries to make you feel you’re not called, you declare, “I love the Lord, and I follow Him because I love Him.” That will paralyse Satan right away because he can’t stand love. You can never love God and fail. It’s not possible. Your love for the Master is guaranteed to always win.

Practise loving Jesus. Protect your love for Him and keep it aflame all the time. Love can be quenched, so make sure you stir your love and passion for Him in a way that nothing and no one can dissipate it.

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? Go Deeper
Ephesians 3:14-19

? Speak
Dear Lord, | love you with all my heart, and I thank you for the privilege and blessing of serving you and living for you! Nothing compares to the extraordinary love-union and oneness that I share with you, and for this, I’m eternally grateful! I’m propelled and compelled by your love to keep establishing your righteousness in the earth, and in the hearts of men, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

? Daily Bible Reading
John 2:1-25, 2 Samuel 20-21

1 Corinthians 4:1-10, Proverbs 1

▶ Act
What are you going to do for the Lord today as a result of your love for Him? Write it below and make sure you do it too!

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