Is Gerard Butler gay? Scottish producer wife and family

Who is Gerard Butler? What is his girlfriend or partner name? Gerard Butler is know because of his legacy work in the entertainment industry. He has been a great actor who knows his trade really well. He has been a legend who has always known for his subtle way of acting that has given him the status he is having today. Gerard Butler was actually passionate about movies since he was a child. He turned his passion in to profession with huge dedication and proper hard work. He has always been a great learner of acting and that can be seen with his improvements from time to time and his addition of feathers of skills.

Gerard Butler Age

Gerard Butler was born to Edward Butler and Margaret Butler. He is a 54 year old person who has got two siblings, Brian Butler and Lynn Butler. His height is around 6 feet 2 inches. He played an amazing role in The Phantom and gained huge popularity due to that role. He got worldwide recognition along with many awards for his acting. His producer life is also not far behind as he has made a huge growth through it too.

Gerard Butler acting career

Gerard Butler is a rare personality who is growing like a fine wine. Along with his acting, he has chosen to be a producer where also he has achieved quite a few milestones. He was a member of Scottish Youth Theatre in his young days where he got huge recognition due to his talents. He is a multi-talented guy and he had even got law degree. He even had pursued career in law before giving acting his complete professional time. He made appearances in theatre to hone his skills and now he is a celebrated legend.

Is Gerard Butler gay?

Gerard Butler is not gay but there are lots of gossip on his sexuality among fans. He mentioned that he has had slept with men, but he doesn’t identify himself as gay based on this statement. He is happily married and his wife name is Morgan Brown.

Gerard Butler Net Worth

The Gerard Butler net worth is $75 million. He is a successful film producer and actor in Scotland. He had worked in dozens of Hollywood movies as a lead actor and also produced English movies in country.

Gerard Butler owns luxurious properties and business in Scotland, UK and USA. He has 3.2 million followers on Instagram.

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