Is Graham Chase Robinson trans? Age, Gender of Robert De Niro’s assistant

Who is Graham Chase Robinson? Is the personality male or female? Graham Chase Robinson is a 37 years old person who was assisting Robert De Niro. Robert De Niro was his boss at Canal Productions. Their professional relationship in Canal Productions stayed from 2008 to 2019. It was a relation which lasted more than 10 years but it did not end the way everyone would have loved. Graham Chase Robinson was a personal assistant of Roberto De Niro and before that she was working as the Vice President of Productions and Finance at Canal Productions only. If you are looking to know whose company is Canal Productions then you should know Robert De Niro is the owner of this production house.

Graham Chase Robinson filed a complaint against her ex-boss

On October 30, De Niro has been standing at the court regarding the charges against him. He was the first witness in the US District Court in this case. The allegations numbered in a very huge number. The trial has been going and the claims in lawsuit shows that he was quite verbally abusive. This complaint came in the year 2019 from Graham Chase Robinson. It is said that he was quite vulgar, gender biased, and very much inappropriate.

Graham Chase is not a transgender. Graham Chase Robinson is a cisgender female, indicating that her gender identity matches the female gender she was assigned at birth and that she is not transgender. After the headlines in the case, the fans seems to be confused over the gender of the Graham Chase Robinson.

Graham Chase Robinson claims about Robert De Niro’s

According to Graham Chase Robinson, Robert De Niro usually used to give him highly female type of stereotypical works only. You do not expect a person like him to be so harsh. Graham Chase Robinson might not have got any limelight till now but with this case she is going to be a known name.

What happened so far in the case?

The case sparked a new controversy and debate on social media. This lawsuit highlighted workplace issues that Graham Chase Robinson experienced due to her gender, but it is unrelated to her identity. The actor is facing legal battle in the court. Only time will say if this case is having any substantial thing in it or not but now it has made a very dark patch in the life of Robert De Niro without any doubt.

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