Rhapsody Of Realities TeeVo Devotional April 9th – Check The Signs

(How You Can Know The Christians)TO THE BIBLE: Mark 16:17-18 NASB“These signs will accompany those who have believed: in My name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues; they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not harm them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”LET’S TALKImagine that I sent you to receive someone from the airport that you’ve never met. So I decided to give you this detailed description of him so you wouldn’t miss him: “His name is George; he’s 6-foot-5-inches tall, with long, blond hair. He’ll be wearing a red leather jacket and a pair of white sneakers with yellow stripes.If after giving you that description, I said, “Those are the signs that will accompany George,” that’s not a promise. The signs are indicators to help you know who George is. This is exactly what the Lord meant in the scripture above when He listed the signs that would follow the Christian.Jesus was letting the world know that Christians belong to a special race of supermen. And the way to identify them is by the unusual, supernatural signs that accompany them. He was showing that there’s something different about the Christian that marks him out of the crowd.The world will recognise who you are when they see you healing the sick, casting out devils, and speaking in other tongues; when you drink something deadly and you’re not hurt. This is your identity as a Christian. You’re a master over satan, sickness, poverty, failure, and death, because you’re a Christian, hallelujah!Go DeeperIsaiah 8:18, 1 Corinthians 14:22Speak:I’m made for signs and wonders because I believe in Jesus. I manifest miraculous signs every day. God’s made me a wonder to my world. I heal the sick, cast out devils, cleanse the lepers, and raise the dead, in Jesus’ Name!Daily Bible ReadingONE YEARLuke 12:1-21, Judges 7-8TWO YEARMatthew 28:11-20, Leviticus 9Act:If there’s someone who’s sick around you, lay your hands on them and that person will recover.

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