Notes from Global Day of Prayer with Pastor Chris

Day 1

Prophecy from Pastor Chris

This next half of the year will come with great fear, doubt, unbelief, and confusion all around the world. The financial systems of the world will go into chaos and the powers of the world shall be shaken. Many that were high shall be brought low and insecurity will increase all around the world.

Tell my children that with my mighty hand I shall do a new thing, I will do them good even in the simple challenges of life. Everything you don’t want will stop at your word and everything you want will flow in by my Spirit.

My Glory has risen upon you and I am going to demonstrate My Glory in your life, in your affairs and you shall be strong & do exploits. Fear not, money will hear your voice.
Tell my children to continue giving their seeds because this is their security.

When many are saying where will help come from, you shall say “I am help” because I am the seed of Abraham.

Your light shall shine ever more brightly, saith the Lord. Do not fear that which you shall see, for I have empowered you.

No evil shall befall you, the blessings I have given you will remain & stay with you. You are unshakable because I have secured your future says the Spirit of the Lord.

These are the last days, these are the last times. For these are the times of the fulfillment of my Words.
Do not be moved by the challenges of this age for they must come to pass. For they are not to harm you but to exalt you and to lift you high.

Take my word with you in your heart and in your mouth, for it shall be your wisdom concerning the times.As in the day of the great floods so are these days, your ark shall rise above the terror, it shall rise above economic hardship, in fact, it shall ride upon the evil; For the darker the night the more excellent your light will shine. Hear my voice in this time, it is your life and your light.

This is the set time to favor my church. I beautify my church I adorn and decorate her. Stand on my Word. It is your foundation and solid rock.I have sent you supernatural help and will guide you into a place of strength. The ability and power of my Spirit will work in the yielded mightily. You will win, victory after victory.

I have spoken to the land where you are concerning you. I have spoken to the city you live in concerning you. The noise of you has gone abroad.

I have sent you helpers, laborers and mighty men who will stand with you by my Spirit. These will not break rank. They will be swifter than eagles and faster than horses for I have given them the speed of my spirit.

They will not be weary and they shall not faint. I have spoken concerning these people, that they are mine and are my battle axe and weapons of war, with you I will cut down the plans of satan. I have anointed you, be not dismayed, I have anointed you, be not discouraged. I am with you till the very end.

Set your gaze on me. You will not slip or fall. For I hold you by my mighty right hand.The hand of my righteousness. I will wrought my righteousness through
you. Have no fear of your future for I have taken over your life to make you great and when I use you I will not leave you empty. Follow me for I have made you great. Your joy is in me! Says the Spirit of the Lord.


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Day 2

If there were no answers to prayers, then prayers will be useless. When it concerns you, you can pray the faith prayer once, but when it involves others, you must do it continuously, prevailing prayer.
1tim 2:1-4

God doesn’t tell us to do something that doesn’t have results.
Most of the problems in some countries is because the Christians there didn’t pray as much as they should have.
Learn to pray for your country, learn to pray for your city; for your community, otherwise you are going to let Satan exercise dominion where you should have.

Christianity is not a religion! When you understand the scriptures you’ll know that it is not a religion, it is the living and pulsating life of God in you. If you have the Son of God, you have life. Not the biological type of life, the God kind of life.

Luke 22:52-54
Acts 26:15-17,
Col 1:12-13
Someone can have an agenda and make you do what you should never have done.

Timing is Important!! Question, what time is it now? What time are we living in now? What does the future hold?

If God is going to do something with your life that would be beyond your local community, you have to have a vision that is beyond your local community. If you don’t have that care; that concern beyond your family, beyond your local community; your world will be small.

What time are we living in today? Can the Antichrist rule the world today? No, we(the church) will disallow him.

John 2:1-4, 7:1-5
Luke 21: 20- Matt 24:1-3, 23:37-39
There is a time in God’s plan that the gentiles will tread Jerusalem. The times of the gentiles are times they will dominate Isreal, they are times God uses them as judge, to carry out his plans in the Earth.
The times of the gentiles started when a new pharaoh who knew not Joseph started ruling Egypt, when Isrealites were made slaves.
Jesus gave us authority in His name and He told us to use it. We have to use his authority. We cannot be afraid of anything and that’s why we pray in the Name of Jesus and we command peace in our nation.

What’s happening now is supposed to be in full action after the rapture of the church. The signs are there everywhere. We don’t have so much time. The coming of the Lord is very near. It is so close, the things that are being prepared now are supposed to be prepared after rapture.

In your life think of how to lift burdens. There are too many people suffering in the World. That’s why you have to learn to pray for others and love others.”

We are closer to the Rapture of the Church and the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus like never before. In the Time Table of God, We should expect the rapture of the Church 2,000 years after Jesus ascended unto heaven..

Don’t ever find yourself using your influence or affluence against the Church. God knows how to deliver His Church from every type of trouble. But those that put them into it, ….there is no telling of what will become of their future.” Study Mordecai, Harman and Esther. Be wise, keep your tongue, talent, treasure and time away from destroying God’s most precious treasure – THE CHURCH

The Bible does not leave us guessing… God’s ways are not a mystery to his Children; they are only a mystery to the world…It is given to us to understand the mysteries of the Kingdom.

The coming of the Lord is very, very near! Get ready now. Tomorrow, you’ll learn how to prepare your life after the pandemic.”


Day 3

We are dealing with the nearness of the coming of the Lord, and it’s important that we understand this. There is a lot of ignorance in the church today about the coming of the Lord. People are not conscious about this. Having doubts about this? You don’t need to look far. As a Christian, it’s important that you prepare yourself for the coming of the Lord. We are very close.

The future of the nations is spoken of in the bible. What is currently happening is not a surprise. It’s important to know what the future holds for whatever country you may be living in. It’s time to take Christianity seriously. What’s happening now is one of the signs of the coming of the Lord.

1 John 2:18 KJV
Again, a new commandment I write unto you, which thing is true in him and in you: because the darkness is past, and the true light now shineth.

Antichrist means two things:

1. Anti-Christ, meaning against Christ
2. Instead of Christ or in place of Christ

In the writings of John the Apostle, particularly the Book of Revelation, you will begin to see the manifestations of the antichrist. Remember, he is a person. When you study the books of Daniel and Ezekiel, the Word tells us about this man and what he would do. There are various descriptions about him (a horn, etc). The spirit that works with him has been here before. The things he does are not entirely new.

Examples are: the government, economy and religion. Those are the things the antichrist will use to control the world. This is not something new. Think about this: when you look at history, you will see the kind of power people we have voted for have. In the bible, we see that nations will give the antichrist their authority, just like citizens give to someone they vote for to make him or her a president.

Furthermore, we see from scriptures that Satan will give that same antichrist power too. Nations will submit themselves to the antichrist. Have you every thought it would come to a point where streets are clean like they are now? If you go through history, this is something that has been happening over and over again. When such things happened, friends metamorphosed into enemies. Social distancing? Well, it has been there before, it just has a new reason, which is “so you don’t infect others.” There is always a name for enemies.

These things are not new, they are just happening at different levels. There has been a lot of evil and killings before. The difference might be that there were visible people who were responsible before, but now it is an invisible person behind the killing now. Although the killer is invisible, there are various key players now. Thank God we know how to deal with these kind of situations.

We don’t have to be bothered about the antichrist because he cannot show up now. Why not now? Because it’s not his time. Although it’s not his time, Satan would still like to have the antichrist show up now. He would definitely like to see these things happen now. Regardless of his efforts, they will still fail now because it’s not his time.

There are forefronts to what the enemy is planning. Look at what’s happening now. The world has never had an opportunity to bring in negative policies like now. We know how to deal with these kind of issues. When we pray, things happpen.

Daniel 9:24 KJV
Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.

When is Jesus coming back? At the end of the church age, which is 2000 years. Something to keep in mind: 1 week is 7 years because it has 7 days, and each day (in this case) is 1 year.

Ezekiel 37:11-14 KJV
Then he said unto me, Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel: behold, they say, Our bones are dried, and our hope is lost: we are cut off for our parts. Therefore prophesy and say unto them shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

He overcame the world for us. No matter what the situation is, when we pray, we prevail over things and make changes.

1 John 4:1-4 KJV
Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world. Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.

No matter what happens in this world, no matter what they plan in this world, the one in us is greater. We are reigning in the earth. We are reigning in the 2000 years that has been given to us (Romans 5:17). The only time the antichrist will have power over the Saints of God is when we have left and other Christians have stayed behind. This is the only time the antichrist and the power of the world will dominate Christians. You need to get this right (catch the first flight).

Herald ordered the head of James, and it made the people happy. Now that it pleased, he went for Peter. Guess what?! The church began to pray, and they prayed without ceasing. When Peter was in prison, with the presence of the angel, Peter was released. Doors would just open and his chains fell off. Prayer works.

A lot of Christians suffer because they don’t pray. When we pray, there’s nothing that we can’t do. We ride over whatever plans are put in place. We are not in this world as victims. Power belongs to God. We have the greater one living inside us. Learn to pray. Understand something: the world belongs to us. Have no fear.

Ephesians 6:10-12 KJV
Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

When you’re on top, you never worry about who is troubling you. A cat never worries about which rat is causing problems. We are not afraid of the devil and demons of darkness. We have more power than the power that Satan gave the antichrist. We are in charge. No one restricts us. We have the ability to cancel any policy we don’t like.

By the power of the living Christ, we reign over the forces of darkness. We have frustrated the advancement of the forces of darkness. Nothing can restrict the preaching of the gospel. We are the seed of Abraham, therefore, the nations of the world belong to us.


Day 5

What is going on right now is beyond the Covid-19. Its something more sinister

We must be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.

In the days of Esther, everything looked good and fine. But there was a man who was friends with the king.
The Jewish people were at that time in some form of bondage, but enjoyed some form of liberty in a strange land.
Sometimes, you enjoy liberty but forget you are in a strange place that is not home.
Like every Christian today, the bible says we are in a journey. We are pilgrims and strangers in the earth.
While we are here, we must remember our purpose.
There’s a reason why we are here, and it is for a time.
We don’t belong in this system.

The Jewish people were at ease and everything looked good, until Hamaan just didn’t like a certain Jewish man that he often met when he went to visit the king (Mordecai). So he decided it would be too disrespectful to go after just the one man.
Through his influence, He got the King to sign his decree.

Its amazing how much wickedness one person could execute.

The news got to the Jews, and they fasted, prayed and called to the God of heaven for deliverance. And God heard their prayer and delivered them from the hand of wicked Hamaan.

These things have happened again and again.
There are places where Christianity is completely outlawed or forbidden. You find that those countries used to have many churches before. You ask ‘what happened’? And often, there are no answers because they hadn’t asked.
God would never orchestrate such a thing (anything that would forbid the gospel). Now such places people hide to talk about Jesus.

The Christians at that time in that nation were no watching. They didn’t do what Jesus said.

If the Jews in Shushan had no fasted and prayed, they would have also been destroyed.

The Christians in Jerusalem as well. If they had not prayed like they did, Peter would have been killed like James was killed.

Thank God for this time you are at home. Don’t worry about the virus. God is just giving us TIME to pray. Had this not happened, we wouldn’t have known all the evil works that had been going on. They think they have us on lockdown, but NO, they have given us the opportunity to hear God and pray. This is not time for wasting. It is time for prayer because your LIBERTY IS AT STAKE. YOUR PERSONAL LIFE AND FREEDOM IS AT STAKE. You are at that time when you will determine whether you will go to heaven or go to hell.
There is DANGER that’s why we are praying and fasting. We are not ignorant.

That’s why we must PRAY

Pray against the works of evil and the HATRED OF CHRISTIANS that has been brewing and seems to be climaxing in many places now.

In the last few months, they have been talking about antisemitism (the hatred of Jews). Anytime you hear anything about antisemitism, just know the hatred of Christians is close by.

All these happening is just a cloak to cover the real plans of the adversary.

That’s why we must pray because IT’S NOT TIME!!!

Daniel referred to the abomination of desolation. Jesus also referred to it.
2 people entered the temple and desecrated the temple by offering a pig to act like the Antichrist. But when Jesus came, he made them know that this ‘phase 1’ that the devil tried to play was not it.

Our fasting continues. By Friday, we will know if we will continue. But this thing….WE WILL DESTROY IT.

Where do Viruses come from? Scientists don’t know because they don’t exist in Nature. They are not living things. They don’t reproduce, they only multiply inside their host.
They were not always there.
Anything that doesn’t exist in nature is MAN MADE.
The worrisome thing for a lot of people is that they are expecting the academia to ask and answer such questions while they live in fear.

If viruses are man made, where did this latest one come from? And why does it resemble the one that had come before??

Don’t let anyone deceive you. Go online and check for yourself.
Those who are against this evil having their websites and pages closed down.

Day 6

2 Chronicles 14:7-13.
1.3million chariots came against King Asa. He was completely outnumbered.
V11: God is greater than all the power of men.

We know what at different times in history happened to the church; when the church slept and the enemy snuck in.
But at any time the church was alert and prayerful, no enemy could succeed. Not once.

We cannot lose the liberty to preach the gospel, to gather in our number as saints. It took a lot for our predecessors to achieve this liberty for us. So, NO, we will not lose it.
We will use everything that we have and that we know to prosecute this matter. We will give no place to the devil.
Instead, we will come out of this with greater liberty, ability and influence.

*Pastor Benny;*

God revealed the power of the blood to Adam In Genesis.
Abel in Gen 4, understood that God would accept a blood sacrifice. God had respect unto Abel’s offering.
Noah: unclean animals came in 2 by 2. Clean animals went in sevens… Why? Because of sacrifice.

When God gave Abraham the promise (Gen 12), He understood that the promises of God would not be fulfilled without the shedding of blood.

Before God created angels, or the world, He had already spoken the crucifixion of his son. This was even before TIME. God is eternity.
When God saw the blood of Animals shed, he saw the blood of his son (even though he knew the blood of Animals could not atone for sin)
From the old Covenant, Adam to Jacob, they understood this relationship.

In Exodus 12: 1-13, 23, Moses was told to tell the people of Israel to shed blood for the passover.
The lintel is the cross point on the door. (Upper point and 2 side posts)
Jesus also fulfilled the passover on the cross.

Israel came out of Egypt as a result of the application of the blood.
In Hebrews, we see that we entered into the holy place through the blood of Jesus.
In Revelations, the saints overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of their testimony.

Exodus 24:1-8; 25: . Moses built the first altar on the hill after they came out of Egypt. He sprinkled the blood on about 3 million people.
In chapter 25, God then instructed that a Tabernacle be built. Rather than Moses going up and down the mountain. After the sprinkling, he decided to dwell with the people.

*Pastor Chris*
2 Thess 2:3
The Rapture of the church, the second coming of Christ and the Day of Christ are 3 different things.
V4-7 (NIV/Amp)
What is holding the Antichrist back is the church, so that He will be revealed In his own appointed time.
Some say it is the Holy spirit that is the restrainer.

There are 3 restrainers of evil that the bible talks about.
1. Govt. 2. The holy spirit. 3. The church.
Among these 3, which is being referred to in the scripture above.
Definitely not the government
The phenomenon of governments will not be removed from the earth even after the Antichrist is revealed.

2. Not the Holy spirit because… After the Antichrist is revealed, the holy ghost will still appoint 144 Jews , He will work through the 2 prophets, and then through the large number of people who will repent during the tribulation period.

3. Only the church would have been raptured before the Antichrist is revealed.

There are 5 different raptures.
1. Jesus and those who went with him to heaven
2. They that are Christ’s at his coming (rapture we know)
2. Rapture or the 144 Jews
4. Rapture of the 2 witnesses who will rise from the dead and the whole world will watch them taken away
5. The great multitude of saints who were beheaded and persecuted who will join us just in time for the marriage supper of the Lamb.

The mistake the devil made is getting us upset/angry. Now we are taking action as the RESTRAINERS OF EVIL.
1 John 2:18.
Now, there are already the ‘spirits of Antichrist’ in the world and the spirit of lawlessness. Satan is already carrying out evil works in the world.
But Greater is He that is in Us than he that is in the world.
No matter what policies they are crafting, only that which favors the righteous cause of the Lord will come to pass.
We destroy those policies. We cut them off in Jesus name.
Every technological advancement that comes into play is subject to us. None will be used against us. The expectation of the wicked one is overturned in Jesus name
This is the day of the church, not of the Antichrist. We restrain him in Jesus name.

Pst. Benny:
The doors of opportunities for the gospel will be amazing after this. We need to be prepared to use it.
Doctors are now on their knees praying. This has created a new season for us to preach and demonstrate the gospel with so much power. We have to go all out for the Lord NOW. We must finish strong in the little time we have left. No distractions. Run the race with excitement, patience and Joy.
We also need to pray for Pastor Chris.

Day 7

Faith comes by hearing God’s word.
And we need Faith today…in a day of fear and panic all around the world. God’s people can minister faith to those who don’t have it. You have that faith, but you must increase and strengthen it to deal with the issues and crisis of life.

We won’t fast tomorrow and Sunday, but we will fast from Monday.
What is going on around the world is something we must take very seriously.
The forces of darkness that we are contending with are very desperate.
We cannot sleep and let them have their way.
The gospel is too important for us to keep quiet and let them shut the door around us.
*Don’t think that what is going on has anything to do with a virus.*

The world has chosen to be deceived as they have been deceived many times before.

When the Y2K propaganda machine went on around the world, and the year came and passed with many nation’s spending and budgeting for what was to come, No one asked questions. People only updated their computers….but we had been told of catastrophic results if the nations did not update their equipment. Most spent money…couldn’t meet up etc..but nothing happened.

This is not the first pandemic…but where went the other ones? No one is asking.

Anything that does not exist in nature has got to created by someone.
It’s a war that’s been going on for long between the profession and the BUSINESS.
The medical profession and the MEDICAL BUSINESS are 2 different things.

Those who makes business of the profession are the ones who create opportunities to make more money. And the Love of Money is the root of all evil.
Those in the business are beclouding the professionals. The professionals know it is true but don’t have the boldness to face the professionals…because the deep state (business) control the beroucrats (professionals).

We have 2 types of research in the world.
Professional research and Business research.
The business research is done by these guys be) hiring professionals) to produce the result they want.

The lawmakers were brought into office to craft laws and regulations…but when they have good ideas, lobbyists and interest groups come up to influence decisions.
This is the reason why many countries have not developed in the last 20 years. (Africa’s case is a completely different ball game).

There is Nothing to fear. This is just a global siege of the nations. And because we are being orderly and respectful, we obey but we are not stupid.
Imagine that now in the UK, they are rationing water. Some are rationing eggs, etc.

These things were foretold in the Bible. …IF YOU WANT TO FIGHT WITH ANYBODY, FIGHT WITH THE SCRIPTURE.

A ministers job isn’t to engage the politicians or professionals but to tell the truth, pray and hear from God.
There are different interest groups in the world and it is obvious what they are interested in.

Do your research and Listen to BOTH SIDES!!!! Not just the side that says ‘it is fine’. Get ALL THE INFORMATION.
It is very easy to know what it’s all about.

(Video play from the KLA website. From the 7th minute. It’s an interview of a well known doctor in Germany)

The counter they use for this pandemic never stops. They never deduct the number of people who have been cured.
That’s the WHO standard . They also don’t state whether the victims had other underlying illnesses like Flu, etc… Once the person dies, they say it is Corona. The plan is to frighten the people. It’s like the Resident Evil life.
But this is even the season of Flu, but because the whole world is focused on Corona they don’t talk about it.
Fear weakens the immune system.
Doctors need to speak up.
China that is the city it came from, they live close together, produce a lot with cheap labor without masks etc, then they have the 5G trials there too.
It is always the Experts of the WHO that SPREAD fear and panic. From the time of the Swine Flu, Bird flu etc. They make fatal predictions just to keep people on edge.

Lockdown is hilarious, because you cannot lockdown a virus. We are constantly being fooled. Where does the theory come from that the Virus makes us sick? It’s just a plot to create vaccinations.
This should be rectified, but no one does it.
If as a doctor you speak up, you are labeled a conspiracy theorist or a mad man or your license is revoked. Sad!
Doctors are only learning theoretically.
Doctors go to the media to say ‘we are in despair. We don’t have masks and gears anymore’ making everyone believe that it is blocking the virus. Crap!!!

The pharmaceutical companies were already producing vaccinations to combat the pandemic (big business) but it’s either China was too early or the pharmaceutical companies were 2 months to late with their production.

(Check out


The New world order has several groups interested in it. (This is what the ANTICHRIST will be pushing and riding on).

They have come up with a brilliant idea: ID2020. The main thrust is VACCINE. (Several groups are also involved in this. In some cases, if you don’t study their documents properly , you won’t know what they are about). The goal was to do this in the year 2020.
They had 2 ways to do this.
1. Working through Health…. Set up a Pandemic (Covid-19)
2. Technology : Internet of Things (IOT), to make EVERYTHING THAT CAN BE CONNECTED, TO BE CONNECTED. Outwardly, it looks like a very brilliant idea…. BUT….
they are not just trying to connect your devices, (e.g. connecting your house and your phone etc) …they say ‘everything and anything that can be connected will connected)… They don’t tell you that YOUR BODY CAN BE CONNECTED. It is the science behind electromagnetism.
You become part of the connection of your house and devices but it doesn’t stop there.

This is a great breakthrough in technology BUT once that happens, you can also be controlled as your devices are controlled. Signals can be sent to your brain. This is pure science.
This is why God said, if anyone takes that mark of the beast, he is lost forever…because you are no longer yourself.

That’s why they plan to start vaccinating children from a certain age.

They release the virus to create FEAR…and with the Fear, you would be willing to collect the vaccine.

They also want to use 5G which is 10times as powerful…which is to be sold in such a way that everyone would embrace.

So they give us a virus to fear and a 5G to embrace.
Politicians are not doing research, they are just embracing the technology.

They DIDN’T TELL YOU that the Vaccines would be coming with Digital ID.
Infact they are pulling down some of the articles off the internet and re-editing their previous articles because many people are now researching it

As per covid-19, Saudi Arabia has approved the chloroquine treatment because they know that it works.
The COVID-19 doesn’t kill people. But people are dying because they are being left to die. It is possible to recover from it just like the flu but the business groups don’t want you to know that.

The ID2020 alliance targets poor countries. They are in partnership with Bangladesh. The want to leverage immunization as an opportunity to establish DIGITAL IDENTITY. (Identity through numbers. Everyone would have a personal number. You won’t even need your passport. It’s a number on your body)
They want to track Individuals. They updated their website 26th March.


Imagine that during this isolation period, THEY ARE SENDING PEOPLE TO LAY 5G FIBRE LINES SECRETLY IN DIFFERENT LOCATIONS. (ignoring the social distancing talk…just to achieve their agenda). Thats why they need everyone inside for weeks so that they can set up effectively. Scientifically, staying indoors is the stupidest thing ever.

Are these intended to scare you? NO.
This is NOT God’s judgement of the nations. It’s just the work of Satan who likes to work ahead of his time

Revelations 13:15-18
Some old manuscripts came up with the number 616 instead of 666. (Latin version of the name). People even taught Ceasar Nero who persecuted Christians, was the ANTICHRIST.
It’s important to already study project within context. When a prophecy is fulfilled, it is accurate.

Some Christians would be wrong to assume that this is the era of the Antichrist, or that this is what is supposed to be happening now…but it is not time. That’s why everyone should study and pray that things be aligned into God’s perfect will.
The Antichrist may have structures but those structures cannot Lord it over us AT THIS TIME.

THAT’S WHY WE’VE GOT TO SAY NO. Can we really know the Bible and let those things happen to us? NO WAY!!!!
EVEN during the tribulation to come, multitudes will refuse to take the Mark and God will accept them.

THIS DECEPTION is one of the worst the world has seen.

We want to make sure that things move in the direction of the spirit.
We must pray that this evil work of Satan be destroyed completely.

As we pray, we are using powerful weapons. No one is sheilded from our prayer.
The church of Jesus Christ is delivered from wicked and unreasonable men.
Those that desire to create a luciferian society cannot Lord it over us in Jesus name.

The plan for this evil vaccine of control, we reject it absolutely in Jesus name.

If we are to allow this…this totalitarianism, What is meant to follow is the greatest persecution of God’s people everywhere.
Imagine the shutting down of churches so far.

Thank God some states have decided that they won’t close the churches anymore.
Imagine that they aren’t able to close mosques.
We are not saying they should close down the mosques but they should open churches as well. .it has been proven that Churches HEAL PEOPLE. A serious nation should do their own research and leave churches alone.

Dan 12:1-2; 8:24-25. Matt 24:15-21. Rev 13:5-
We cannot keep quiet.
We can’t allow him do this because we know what follows.
Those hospitals and isolation centres would be turned into prison camps by the ANTICHRIST. They would give Christians a chance to renounce Christ before they kill them.
Pray with all the faith and wisdom you have.


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15 thoughts on “Notes from Global Day of Prayer with Pastor Chris”

  1. Beloved brother Michael Adegoke,

    Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ !

    Thank you for the notes posted of Ps.Chris of global prayer and fasting from day 01-07, very helpful.

    I appreciate if you could send me notes of week 2 of pastor.chris, end of the prayer and fasting session – to my email ID, as mentioned below . God Bless you!

  2. The Lord bless you and the Lord keep you! Thank you soooo much for the audio and notes! These are so helpful! May the Lord continue to bless you! I know it’s a lot, but will you be doing notes/transcriptions for the other sessions as well? If so I would love to be in the loop to know when they are complete/ready to view. If not, I do understand as well! They do take time! Again, thank you for allowing God to use you and your talents to share this moment with everyone! I am truly grateful!

  3. You’re a blessing!!!! I searched and searched for these messages and i couldn’t find them. I don’t even know how i got to this site but I’m grateful. Thank you so much. Keep doing a great work✌✌✌


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