Notes from Your Loveworld Phase 6

Day 1 (Short Note)

The use of the mask is not necessary for the cure of the Coronavirus. But it’s also dangerous to our health. It’s important that we stand our ground at this time in prayer. Some people don’t want this problem to go away, but it’s just for a moment, it will surely pass away but it’s just a matter of time. Therefore we shouldn’t be moved by anything, but only by the word of God. We should give attention to God’s word seriously at this time. If we remain in the full fellowship with the Holy spirit and the word, we will never be worried and perplexed by anything in this world. Intercessory prayer requires direction. We need to be accurate in the direction of our prayer. And it’s imperative that we use the right words. Prayer is not just enough for healing or casting out devil, but we should also pray with Divine Direction of the Spirit. Sometimes, some people condition may be Sin! When we speak in tongues, is the Holy Spirit that gives us the utterance. As christians, it’s very important that we don’t hold any grudges against anyone. Sometimes such action hinders God’s blessings from coming to us and also stops us from receiving answers to our prayers.


Day 2

It’s Not Coincidental…

Pastor Chris provided lots and lots of evidence during today’s meeting. We also heard directly from scientists, health and safety experts and those that should know about the present situation of things…

Below are my notes which you are free to share with others.

Dearest Pastor Chris Sir, I’m sure you already know how much I love you. Remain blessed forevermore and keep feeding us with relevant information…

Both will reduce population. Then I said, this so called solution to reduce the spread are not science. How can we not know that using mask for protracted period will lead to death. When it comes to health issues, it’s everyone’s concern.

Coming to public health is not Bill Gates area, unfortunately, many people are listening to him and not researching themselves.

Let me point out a couple of things to you…

When government s and regulators…. Absolutism and tyranny is born. When cars and phones have major health issues, they are recalled. It’s not unusual to call for a review of some technology. We didn’t say 5G produces the virus but only linked it to health issues.

Let’s investigate. What we have said is that 5 G roll out in Wuhan China is responsible for the high deaths in China. People falling down and dying. Plus that, if you look at the models for which the lockdown across the world was effected, it was predicted that the deaths will be in millions, that hasn’t happened.

Where there were no lock down haven’t had worse cases. There’s no scientific proof. Now, many nations are beginning to review the deaths attributed to Clovis-19.

For those who say that the 5 G has no health issues, that’s not true. All research has called for moratorium. It’s the way is being roll out. Hospitals and some military people have used them. So many cell sites, that’s where the problem is. People are sandwiched between these electromagnetic forces…

See this… 2013 report… Pastor read articles and some other things.

Day 4

We’re Going to Use Our Amazing Power of The Spirit Of God We Have This Sunday.

Pastor and his guests (Pastor Deola Philips, Pastor Lanre Alabi and Pastor Emeka Eze) started the meeting with questions and answers…

Below are my notes which you are free to share with others…

Question about working for the international NGOs advancing the plan of the Antichrist spirit…

Be there. Be the light. Hold on to your faith.

Question about the kind of government of Jesus

It’s like a Monarchy but better.

Question about the great white throne

It is for those without Christ.

Question about the death of Judas Iscariot and discripancies.

There are none. Everything was a fulfilment of scriptures

Question about children being judged

Yes, but there is an age of accountability. Those below will be covered by the faith of their parents. Romans 7:9 Paul got into Judaism from youth. The sin nature was there all the time but may not be in your conscience. Children before the age of accountability are holy. Not all though. 1 Corinthians 7:14. Unbelieving partner and kids are sanctified and holy by the one that’s born again. It’s important that children are raised in the Lord early.

Question about the meaning of a name have impact on a born again Christian. Generational bondage.

Whatever you are called is a daily confession. Why did God changed the names of some people in the Bible.

You’re born again and shouldn’t be under any generational bondage. Don’t have the wrong mindset. Galatians 5:1. Stand fast and remain in your faith. You’re free in Christ. Remain so. Your believing can influence you and cause those inconsistencies. Where to check are accurate understanding of the word and your communication. What you’re thinking may not be right. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Remember the parable of the sower and how Satan that was sown in their hearts. Get wisdom and understanding.

If your words are inconsistent with the truth.


Day 5

He Will Never Leave You Alone… Prepare For Sunday, We’re Going To Do Something Big!

Pastor Chris started tonight’s meeting with another question and answer session with esteemed Pastors Deola Philips, Lanre Alabi and Emeka Eze.

Below are my notes which you are free to share with others.

Question about those Israelites that died without knowing Jesus Christ…

It’s the nation of Israel that will be saved. There are many individual Jews that will be saved. National salvation.

Question about walking around with our glorified body. Great revival before the rapture.

Yes, we will be able to walk around with our glorified bodies. Yes, there’s a great revival going on now. Spiritual awakening… A lot of people living afresh in a new way. That’s a small part of God’s work in the earth. The big thing is actually a mighty harvest of soul. Revival was in the old testatement. The Holy Spirit refreshes us continuously.

David made a powerful statement then… The Lord is the strength of my life. Sadly many don’t know that. Paul said be invigorated in your inner man. The Holy Spirit doesn’t strengthen you but it’s your strength. Live there continually, never need to be revived. I started speaking in tongues in 1980 and never needed revival. Upward and forward. No discouragement. Not once. That’s the work of the Holy Spirit. It’s not an achievement. No down life or moment.

Sharing from the word of God.

In December 2019, I shared a prophecy
.. Watch this…

Do not be afraid… For the enemy has been defeated… That which Satan planned for destruction has been turned upside down… They will finish 2020 in victory for the Lord’s grace has been showered upon you… Thank Him…

Now if you listened carefully you’ll noticed that it’s about Satan’s plan to destroy many. It has not turned out that the millions that were predicted to die and litter the street hasn’t happened as the showed.

So far, the deaths haven’t exceeded the number of people that die from other sicknesses. In many countries, they can’t count for other illnesses…

Watch this other video from December last year…

Positioning… Realignment… The mountains of the Lord shall be established… Perfction, supernatural intervention like the world has never known… Prayers will be answered… A changing in the spirit. The Holy Spirit leads like a new band… A wind of the Holy Spirit differently… Man’s work advanced will come in collision with the work of God. Supernatural colission and man will see the power of God and the testimony of the Church… This is the period of change when He breaks His silence. He’s not going to be quiet anymore.

We are moving into a set time. It’s a timing in the spirit. Serve God with joy. Like nothing discourage you.

Before I show you the other one… Several point… Guidance, enlightenment… All that’s been happening… Man’s advancement colliding with the word of God. That time of change of order is now…

We will do something on Sunday. Get ready. Something happened in the days of Daniel. God heard the prayers but the prince of Persia withstood Angel Gabriel for 21 days… Toppling the kingdom… Three more kings… We’re in the period of exciting change in the spirit. The Assyrian spirit will be toppled. We’re watching on…

There will be a change…sudden fall and many from north America will lose and a shift to Europe… What I told you about Europe. I’ll tell you more about what’s going to happen.

Luke 21:24
Time of the gentiles be fulfilled… As Jesus walked away from the temple 2000 years ago… Romans 11:25…the number earmark for salvation is being fulfilled and many around the world are being saved.

Revelation 17:1-
The heads and the horns… Will explain later… It’s got seven heads and ten horns… Carried and sustained her… The beast… This beast is not a man… The beast was, is not and shall ascend… Seven kings, five has fallen…

Medi Persia
Revised Rome

See it…

Satan is number 6. The other has not yet come.

They’re supposed to be seven. You’ll noticed something in numbers three and seven.

Babylon is EU. How then does he run the world? He’s the one that’s about to take over from the prince of Assyria…

Daniel 7:7-8
Revised Rome has 10 kings… This is what he’s orchestrating in Europe. This particular horn is different. Go to Daniel 7:16-25

They were counting from Babylon. Ten kings will come from the old Roman empire… From the same region. Revelation 13:1-2.

By what spirit he functions. The spirit with which he runs is like a leopard…

Revelation 17:11
The beast that’s the eight but as part of the seven. The Antichrist, the beast… Begin with the platform of the revised Rome. The eight one is part of the seven. Seven distint kings.

What’s about to happen and how our prayers will help. Wished more cared about the persecution of Christians. How many churches prayed for them. When you’re walking with the Lord, your life goes beyond your immediate environments. Many more of us should have cared. If you don’t help your neighbour put out his fire, it will come to you. We’ve got to be more alert. Watch and pray… Dealing with spiritual things.

Ministry needs to change. More focus on the things of God. Those that served the Lord with all they have haven’t lost out. Know what’s going on and be prayerful. Measuring with earthly things ought to have left you. Free yourself from the entanglements. Don’t measure yourself with earthly things. Is your heart towards God? That’s what will matter at the end of the day…

The story of the ten virgins. That story has been used for so many things it’s not supposed to…

Matthew 25:1-
They took no oil with them… Slumbered and slept. The went out… The door was shut…

What’s this? The five wise or foolish are not the Church. The Church is not really mentioned. It’s all about Israel, not the Church.

Those with oil are those with the revelation of the Holy Spirit. When the marriage was going on in Jesus days… The marriage party continues in the bridegrooms home… Young ladies come to receive him and his bride and they have this party in the bridegroom’s place…

Songs of Solomon 3:11
Crown with which his mother crowned him. Decorations from his mother…

Right after the marriage super in heaven, the Lord comes… Those who never believed didn’t have oil… Individual persons never believed… Many were scattered around the world… Many never believed…

Songs of Solomon 4:1 to chapter 5

Matthew 24:48 to Matthew 25:1
Second coming of the Lord for Israel. Then shall be two and one is taken, it’s not referring to the rapture of the Church…

Hallelujah… Glory to God….

2 Thessalonians 2:3-4
The image of the beast that shall be all over the world… As a Christian, thank God for your life. Revelation 17:11. The impersonator of the first beast seen as a man of peace… They’re not seeing Satan’s work in full force… First three and half years, he’s actually there… How can the word of God be so accurate? Because it’s the word of God. We’re in the signs of the time. Everything shows it…

The man he represents… 2 Thessalonians 2:3-11… Arise and go into perdition. Opposes all that’s called god or worship… They don’t care, take God out of this… Can someone be more adulterous than that?

Showing himself that he’s god. The Church restrained him then and now. That they should believe a lie… Oh dear… Psalm 9:17 – don’t forget God. The wicked shall be turned into hell…

You can’t trust in princes…

God’s doing something… Get ready… We’re going to release power on Sunday. It’s going to affect the world…

The song about He’ll never leave you alone…

Salvation call…

Note: The transcripts are gotten from different sources this website does not take credit for the transcription of the messages. Some amazing brothers and sisters took their time to transcribe the messages. The credit goes to them and God bless them for their labour of love. This Note is still under development.

See More Content below:


Phase 1 | Phase 2 | Phase 3 | Phase 4 | Phase 5 | Phase 6  | Phase 7


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