Notes from Your Loveworld Phase 7

Day 1

Notes from Your Loveworld Phase 7

My Brothers and Sisters, Who Is With You? That’s What Counts.

Pastor Chris resumed the Phase Seven of the special meetings he’s been having with us this night.

Below are my notes which you’re free to share with others…

I will be with you always…

When you know He’s with you, fear is gone forever, vanished.

Lots of beautiful things lined up. This is phase 7. Several things will happen in quick succession. Thank God there’s lot of opening in Nations. There’s much more…

I challenged the sense and science of wearing of face masks. I’ve been asking myself that those asking people to wear masks in several places. This is crazy.

Are those asking people to do ignorant or conspiring to kill. Every reasonable science shows it’s deadly. Even the WHO didn’t suggest it. This is what they said… When and how to wear medical masks to protect against covis19. Only when taking care of a covid19 patient. Or when coughing and sneezing.

So the idea… Where then did they get this murderous idea from… Insufficient oxygen that can lead to a viral attack and make you vulnerable.

The almost opposite of it too much carbon dioxide… List of science materials you can go through…

It’s not to be worn for a prolonged period of time. Doctors have passed out… Are they really ignorant or conspiring to kill?
Those giving these instructions, where are they getting the information from. Why are healthy people being subjected to this murderous instructions? How much joy are politicians getting from this…

The day will come when several leaders will be held accountable for these actions. They can’t continue these actions for much longer. We’ve dealt with it spiritually.

The world is not left to Satan and the cohorts of hell and evil workers. Some ministers of the gospel are even saying everyone should listen to the health experts? Everyone should listen to God.

Romans 13
God gives political power but with conditions… They sign of His second coming… Deception is a major part of it as reported by writers of the epistles… Let no-one deceive it. Don’t let anyone deceive you.

Romans 13:1
No authority except the one established by God. They should do right. It presupposes that those in authorities would do what God wants. Be honest and truthful. Lots of examples of good and bad leadership. You don’t have to follow bad leadership.

Acts 4:16
The disciples chose to obey God instead of obeying the authorities. They didn’t just say that they have to obey them. We always obey and teach others to obey when these laws are not inconsistent with the will of God. That’s when we disagree.

Like this wearing of masks, we’ve got to call their attention to reality and truth. The CEC in the US found out that they got the world to take terrible actions. Lives and economies are destroyed and paralyzed based on wrong information.

Nations were asked to take untested science. The recommendations were totally wrong. Nobody is apologising. Like they didn’t apologize over Y2K. It’s just going to be like just a mistake and we’ll continue… 0.26% no, one day, someone will be held accountable. Why were they so wrong in the projections and models.

I was right all along. I like to follow when following is right. I was one of the first to shut down our healing school programs to join the government to do the right thing. Then we called for a global day of prayer and the spirit told me that we have to take a position on the deception. And what Satan tried to do ahead of time and we needed to stop him.

I was the number to corporate but have to listen to a higher authority. Jesus Christ knows all things. Relax, what if I know what you don’t. Is it too much for me to be right?

Just wait when you don’t understand. Leave it alone, one day you’ll find out. Those other believers that may not entirely agree, it’s not a problem. We shouldn’t get mad at each other. No need for argument. Search the scriptures or wait to see if what I say will come to pass. Let the Spirit of God guide you.

I’ve showed you what the WHO and CDC have finally showed. God’s people shouldn’t be afraid. All the steps destroyed Nations for nothing. They were instigated by evil spirits. Let’s see what the Bible says… Even medical doctors were wrong. No science… They just received and just followed guidelines… They never question anything.

Airplanes can’t fly anymore because air is gone bad and they believe. Grew up taking what they read. Never taught to examine. Study, search, examine. When you study and search, you’ll not be deceived.

All the amazing saints before us were bold to ask questions. They even asked God questions.

Ephesians 6:10-18
How powerful this is. From this list, you can tell is against spiritual forces. You better take actions.

2 Corinthians 10:3-4
Overthrow and destruction of strongholds. Demolish them. We’ve got weapons. Hallelujah. God is expecting us to use them.

2 Kings 6:1-
It was the Director of Intelligence or Director of Defence or Expect but a Man of God that speaks for God. Imagine Abraham getting information from experts, he wouldn’t have gone where God asked him. What about Isaac and the whell… The hands of Moses winning the battle… The battle wasn’t won by experts but prophetic guidance.

Imagine what the experts would have said at the red sea or when the serpents bit the people.

You’re destroying the faith of the Churches with these expert advice. It’s better for the churches to remain shut. There’s a difference between preachers and men of God. I’m not criticizing at all, they are not the same. A man of God is heaven sent as a light, voice. He may not even be a good preacher. How many sermons of Elijah and Elisha do you have?

You can be a great preacher, it may be your calling. That’s different from being called a man of God. There are differences. Don’t get upset when some say what you don’t understand. Start learning when you’re called. Avoid the mistakes and problems. Some ministers may not agree with me. It doesn’t change anything. After a while, these areas of disagreement will be resolved…

The story of the Pastor that told Pastor Benny Hinn on live TV that he never liked him. Lessons for life… Praise God.

2 King 6:9-
Who’s the spy here… There’s none… Eliaha knows what goes on in this inner chamber because God tells him. Fear not.

That’s the voice they need to hear everywhere. Fear Not. Some think this is a pestilence from God. Don’t you know that in this church age, no pestilence. Go read your Bible. All that period is not in the church age… Come on… Let me show you something that can help you…

Isaiah 61:1-3
Like 4:18

Why did Jesus stopped without reading about vengeance? He came to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, not vengeance. What’s why He weeped when they rejected them. This is the day of grace and mercy and love. It’s not the day of judgement. Judge yourself. He judges is from inside. This is the day of grace.

2 Corinthians 5:19
He’s not counting men’s sins against them. What does that mean to you.

Romans 5:10
When we were sinners, he reconciled us. How about now that we loved Him. The virus is just a distraction.

Read this from a major in Maryland… Ban on communion…how many other counties might have had such plans… It would have moved all over the world. The ban on eating anything before, during and after religious gathering… Affecting the communion… The Catholic Church fought it. Where was everyone else…

2 Kings 6:16
Fear not for they that be with us are more than they that be with them… Oh oh… He’s looking at the soldiers and their horses… Elisha knew it was a war in the spirit… Jesus Christ told them that He preached openly and they didn’t arrest Him. The hour of darkness had come. Spiritual war. My brothers and sisters, who is with you, that’s what counts. His servant’s eyes were opened…

We have to realise that God’s word is truth all the way. This is what He has said concerning us and the future. Line up accordingly. We have broken their hold over the nations. We’ve shattered their plans and that’s why the nations are opening. Those behind it have fled. They didn’t factor us into the equation. The church of Jesus Christ is not a sleeping giant. It has grown. That stone has shattered everything. The church of Jesus Christ is unshakable.

In the volume of the book written about the church, we have fulfilled it. The One in us is Greater. We’ve overcome the forces of darkness. Whatsoever is born of God overcomes.

God willed the whole world to Abraham and his seed. We are heirs of the promise and the covenant. Inheritors of the world. No force that has power over the world than the church… A million people will die but we said no and it never happened.

Now that God’s people are standing up fearless, we’ll not let it happen anymore. We’re taking our stand everywhere.

Matthew 16:18-20
That power to bind on earth or to loose… Different translations… Disallow what God disallows. Effect the will of the Father here on earth. He’s given us the keys of the kingdom. What we forbid, restricts is so. Satan stops your manoeuvre and that’s it. Just like Jesus will do. We cast out the devil and break his hold. See what he almost did to the churches.

Thanks be unto God… Mine mine mine…

Q and A

Question about the last trumpet in 1 Corinthians

The trumpet in revelation is judgement but this one is calling us home. We will not hear the Trump in the book of revelation. This is Trump for the first flight.

Question about being anxious about being raptured

There’s no condemnation to those in Christ Jesus Romans 8:1, 1 John 3:19.
Don’t give in to feelings. 1 John 4:17… There’s no fear in love. Do what Jesus says. Keep loving Jesus. Read what Jesus thinks about you in His word. 1 John 5:1. Believe that you’re born of God. You’re an overcomer. Just go to the word. The word is established. Be mindful when Satan throws thoughts at you. They’re not your thinking. Satan thoughts will bring sudden fear and sudden pride, etc. Not all thoughts are from you. Reject them. Satan will tell you that you’ll not go to heaven. Reject them.

Question about Revelation 9 and aliens invading the earth…

These are demons from the pit coming like locusts…

Question about ghosts being people’s souls?

Ghosts are spirits devoid of their bodies. Jesus described that He wasn’t a ghost. They exist. Luke 16:20-21… His body was not in good shape… The Angels carried the spirit of the dead. Spirits don’t have flesh and bones. We saw them under the altars in the book of revelation. Yes, souls are people’s ghosts. They’re no longer here on earth have been taken by Angels or devils… Opened his eyes in hell… They will be in heaven or hell but don’t use your own timing to judge… It’s different from familiar spirits… Witch of Endo… in the king Saul’s day…

Praise God… Thank you Lord Jesus. We’ll have another big day tomorrow…

Salvation call…


Day 2

Notes from Your Loveworld Phase 7

We Will Do Extraordinary Things By The Power Of The Holy Spirit

The series on spiritual warfare. Get and study it. You’ll be mightily blessed. You can immediately put it to action and start receiving results.

God can use a leader and he can go rogue on God like King Saul. Another reason why we don’t just do whatever we’re told… Where the instructions are coming from matter… I told you something about the deep state…

Non-state actors behind the scene or state actors that use extra-statutory powers to control those that want to do the right things. Many state governments are that way and under state capture. That’s what is going on right now in many countries. External instructions compelling people to do things that can kill them.

They get these instructions from those that have captured these states like the Prince of Assyria. Look what’s going on in many countries right now. Sad. Many are unaware of the spiritual war…

I’ve read through the laws in many countries, they are technically the same. They came from the same source. Hanging on the Covid-19 to take destructive actions. That’s why we are taking spiritual actions.

We must be very watchful. Watch and pray says, Jesus. One of the reasons is because of this very thing. There are people that will want to come from some other means to run the country. Resources are scarce in the world. Same things that polarised the world is still the same. The rich ruleth over the poor. The borrower is subject to the lender.

Who rules? You won’t be content, you want to rule over the poor. The poor man’s work was not recognized for saving the city. If he’s smart enough, by his intelligence and craft, he borrows what belongs to you. Playing the fast one. He lends to you what was yours in the first place.

I do have some questions some have asked…

Question about is there’s a spirit that causes black people to be so hated.

It’s not spiritual. Man must bear responsibility for his actions. Racism is an inherited problem. Those that started it may not have known better. After these many years, there’s no excuse. Those who penetrate racism must bear responsibility. They can’t blame ignorance or anything else. There’s no excuse.

There are things that are worse like hatred. It exists even in families. It’s worse. I hope I’ve given you the answer. The hatred against blacks is more obvious because of the colour and the politics. Some can hate people of same skin colour. That’s the one written about the most. Genuine love has no colour. Racism is the manifestation of the bankruptcy of the heart. No love.

Whenever you find true love of God, you’ll find no racism.

Question about the four beasts mentioned in the book of revelation…

The Lord has concealed their identities. We will ask when we get there.

Question about a gay man who wants to go to heaven. Will all homosexuals going to hell…

Homosexuality was revealed in Genesis. It’s that old. It’s not a new thing. The Bible tells us it was happening in Sodom. It’s was rampant there by then. God destroyed the city with fire from heaven. He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.

When you study the old testament, it was abominable to God who decides what is right. He leaves us with accurate information. He says don’t do it. Same in the new testament. That’s why those in the organised gay community generally don’t like the Bible because it condemns it.

They can’t change it. I’ll read these verses for you.

Romans 1:18- NIV
Degrading of their bodies for one another. Unnatural relations. Look at that. Nature reveals God’s plan and will. Men committing indecent acts with other men.

The big lie that you were born that way. We don’t say a child born blind is natural. It’s unnatural. Same with homosexuality. Men should be attracted to women and verse visa. Because you feel so doesn’t make it right. Now politicians are telling us what is right. What does God say? If you don’t know God, your conscience will not correct you.

Some people kill and feel good about it. You carry out what you have inside. It’s the voice of the Spirit that corrects you if you know God.

Gay people have depraved minds. To do what is not right

As a child of God, you can pray and stop it. You can be a leader and be doing these things. Decide today in the name of Jesus Christ and break the habit. Any habit can be broken. How Pastor got to know this in 1981. Breaking bad habit in the name of Jesus. He used to have soft drinks every day. He read the book and stopped. His mind went to the bottle because he had that habit. A habit is a habit.

The Devil can use any habit. It doesn’t matter what. Pastor broke that habit from then on and has been free. You can break any habit. You can break it. With that little experience, he learnt something big. Recognising the power of principle. The Lord doesn’t want anything dominating you.

Will homosexuals going to hell. What God says is wrong. It’s about stopping a behaviour. 1 Corinthians 6:11… If you are in Christ, that nature can be washed from homosexuality.

Question about the parable of the wedding party… Wedding garment… Many are called but few are chosen…

The parable is about the kingdom… The gown was a requirement and that person didn’t prepare. The church is being prepared, we should all get ready. There was something that was required but the person failed to get it. It’s not just a gown.

There’s a choice of man and the choice of God. God has chosen that anyone who places his faith in Jesus Christ should be saved. Everyone has been paid for.

Because the king had a righteous expectation and it was a righteous judgment based on the gown. If you chose not to obey, the judgment is right. Broad is the way that leads to destruction. Many are chosen is just an observation. Many were invited but only a few chose to attend.

The garment of righteousness is a gift… Matthew 13:24-30
That man that had his own garment of righteousness was taken away when the wheat was to be born.
John 12:46-48
Those that reject Jesus are the many that are called.

2 Thessalonians 2:13
Everyone is called but Jesus chose few.

Matthew 22:14
Many are called but few are chosen. The king had the choice to decide who should attend the wedding.

Matthew 20:13-16
The man that paid everyone the same wage. It’s up to Him. I called everyone but chose a few.

2 Thessalonians 2:13
God has chosen you to salvation. He’s the One that decided to save through salvation. How you respond is your own choice. If you believe the truth, you will be saved. Thank you, Lord, for helping me believe. If you believe, you’re chosen by God. Even when God chooses you, you can reject it. Satan also lies to some people… The story of the guy that told Pastor that he didn’t believe in Jesus Christ. Pastor realised that it was a lying spirit that had taken hold of him. Pastor cast out the demon and got him saved and he’s a preacher now.

Question about Muslims having a promise since they are descendants of Abraham.

Romans 9:6-8
They’re not the seed. Through Christ, anyone can now be saved. Galatians 3:26-29. In Christ, you are Abraham’s seed.
Salvation and the promise are only in Jesus Christ.

Question about the day of Lord coming and when it’s coming on God’s calendar

The old earth will pass after the millennia reign of Christ. End of Revelation 20 and beginning of Revelation of chapter 21. Those are the details 2 Peter 3:7

Question about demonic princes that control the earth… The feast of the Passover

The destroyer, Abadon, was ruling over his kingdom and was fulfilling scriptures. If the princes knew, they wouldn’t have killed Jesus Christ. Anywhere Abadon saw the blood, he passed. The same way the Prince of Assyria will match into Israel and destroyed it…

I helped you to identify the prince… His plan was to kill all the firstborn in Egypt.

Exodus 12:23
Will not suffer the destroyer to come in… In the days of David, spirit beings could strike plagues… The Angels of God could stretch out their hands until God commanded them to stop. The firstborn syndrome…

Identifying the spirit
Revelation 9:11
Abaddon was not God’s angel. The six times it was mentioned, it was for destruction or the destroyer. In association to hell or fire. Job 26:6, Psalm 88:10-11. Grave, Hades. 1 Corinthians 10:10 Apollion.. It’s the spirit that was dominating the world Empire of the day. Hebrews 11:28. Appolion… Same Spirit. Why is that word important? It refers to the beast, a serpent called the destroyer. A destructive serpent. Locusts that had tails like scorpions came out with him.

Study both the old and new testaments.

Psalm 22:28
The Lord is the Governor amongst the nations. Jesus owns the nations. What’s going on the spirit? What’s God preparing us for?

Revelation 3:21
This is extraordinary. So powerful. This is so wonderful… He that overcometh… What are we expected to overcome? I’ll like to discuss this with you from tomorrow… We will do extraordinary things by the power of the Holy Spirit. We will never be overcome. Remember the grace, the love and the fellowship. How is it possible to lose with the grace, the love and the fellowship, the communion.

That blessing simply means that you cannot be defeated. The church of Jesus Christ is getting bolder. The consciousness of the grace… The spirit of the Father that speaketh. Your knowledge is increasing by the day. Satan and his folks are losers. Greater is He in us. It doesn’t matter what you’re going through, what the sickness is, in the name of Jesus Christ, I rebuke them… Join your faith… The power of the Holy Spirit is surging through your body right now…

Healing started taking place… Receive healing… You’re healed by the power of the Holy Spirit… Thank Him for your healing… Thank you, Lord.. I receive healing in Jesus name… Pastor mentioned the cases that have been healed… Call and testify. Tell it.

Salvation call…


Day 3

Notes from Your Loveworld Phase 7

We Are Stewards Of The Mysteries Of God

Question about the racial issues in America and people saying that prayer is not enough…

Man’s inhumanity to man and hatred. The issue of misdirected anger. The hijacked protests. The paid protesters. Those using their political and authoritative knees to hold up the nations and economies. Government officials are also putting their knees on people based on false information. I’m not in support of rioting and burning of buildings.

We should be appalled at the vaccination issues and the fact someone Pastor knows was paralyzed at age two. The vaccines failed. There’s never fully independent proof that the vaccines walked. Remember the Y2K.

These things are not really about the virus. They’re not using the data for the decisions. Severe judgment is coming. Let me show you a report from Italy… Watch this…

Nobody sounded caution because of real results. The virus has expired scientifically. They’re still enjoying keeping people in their fears. No science for what they do.

Some people are enjoying the rioting, it’s election year.

Question about Augmented Reality (AR)

Science itself is not a problem. It’s like money. On itself, it’s not wrong. It only amplified the character of the user. IT can be used by anyone for anything. What’s the purpose of the vaccines and who are those behind it and for what purpose. It should not be used for population reduction. There’s ample evidence that vaccines have been weaponised in the past and can be so in the future. Racial hygiene and Eugenics. Same sponsors. Victims or patients of the virus. Like the Nazi’s used the gipsies for cleansing. Young people are being taken to isolation centres like the extermination of the gipsies.

Racial hygiene or street hygiene and the 2020 gipsies happening in several countries. Kids are picked up. Will these isolation centres turned into detention centres be turned into extermination centres. The soldiers that guided the captives thought it was for a while. Not even Hitler had the full picture. He initially wanted the Jews out.. Later changed his mind. Today’s officials, what’s motivating them. When you have one million patients, where will you keep them?

Spiritually, we’ve broken that. We become victors where we could have been victims. Still sounding the alarm. Do what’s right if you’re in a place of authority. Told you about state capture yesterday. How that the prince of Assyria specialises in state capture. Prides himself in it. They failed to factor the church. The church is the constant in the equation. That’s why their equation was wrong.

Question about what happens to pregnant women during the rapture.

Life for a baby that’s born. We’re also talking about spirit beings. The woman and the baby should go since they are spirits. Glorified spiritual bodies… Babies at later stages can be brought out and survive. At what point does the baby becomes a spiritual being since God is the Father of Spirits. God knows… Foreknowledge of God. There are biological laws… John the Baptist received the Holy Ghost when his mother received the Holy Ghost. At the time of the rapture, every condition is known to God.

Something will happen to the body at rapture and we will be changed. Our bodies will be glorified. God has a say in His house. Not every one that prayed and desired a child had one. When you become a Christian, Jesus Christ has the final say in your life. A child that’s not responsible for his action is holy and covered by their parents’ salvation. God knows how to deliver babies same with angels. They will be delivered of babies that will go to heaven. There will be absolute satisfaction. There will neither be male or female. You’ll cease to be neither male nor female. So fast, there will not be a process. Suddenly…

Question about the tribulation, will the power of prayer will still be available to the church…

Salvation will still be going on… There will be power to save… Though the Antichrist will wear them out… The two witnesses will still be performing… The church will work to align with the will of God. We align the seasons to align with God’s will. The Antichrist will have the power to persecute the church. The name of Jesus will still have power in heaven, earth and under…

The church will no longer be there at that time. The seventieth week of Daniels prophesy. The saints will be operating in the dispensation of Israel. The bride of Christ is not the church. I showed you from the Bible. The church will leave at the rapture. It’s the continuation of the Jewish calendar. It’s so definite. 69th week and 70th week. The beast will make war and prevail over them. National repentances. Individual blessings that wouldn’t affect the nations. Some prophets were taken with the Isreal when they were it was captured…

This is the time of extraordinary moment… How far can we go… It’s the most important in your Christianity. This part. Until you understand, your Christian life will be up and down…

Matthew 16:18
Called out-group, chosen… They didn’t understand what He was talking about. Jesus was going to have a people that are the called out group… Ekklesia… What did Jesus come to do?

Malachi 3:1-3
They weren’t living right, they’ve gone back…
Malachi was prophesying… Judgement and cleansing… Refiners fire and fullers soap… When you call for the fire of God, it’s for judgement, purification, and cleansing. That’s important. Some terms help when you’re a baby. Grow up and be accurate. Let your preaching and living be aligned. Why we can only have success. Everything going the way we say. Apply the same in all aspects… In your life, city, country…

Malachi 4:5-6
The dreadful day of the Lord, before the judgment. This is not the ministry of the two witnesses. Elijah will bring the era of grace and God will not strike the earth with a curse.

Matthew 3:1-11
Elijah was John the Baptist. Jesus said so. John preached repentance. To bring them into the kingdom was strange to them. Bring forth fruits for repentance. As children of Abraham, the Jews didn’t understand why they should repent to enter the kingdom of God. I baptise you with water unto repentance. This baptism is proof that you’ve repented. The One after me will baptise you with Holy Ghost and with fire.

Now here’s the beauty of what was happening at the time at Jordan. They understood the washing and cleansing by water… John didn’t just spring water but dipped them into the water… That’s why he was called the Baptist. I did you into the water… Completely emersed. Jesus, he said, will baptise you completely into the Holy Ghost, into the spirit of God. He was talking to people that understood the baptism of Moses in the cloud of God’s glory. Personally immersed in God.

He will baptise you and soak you in God.

Matthew 3:13
Jesus then appeared to be baptized of John. Descending like a dove, not that it had the shape of a dove. The Holy Spirit descended like a dove. Another one of the same kind. The Father that dwelleth in Him. Jesus looked like the Holy Ghost. Man was created by the Holy Ghost. He looks like you. Never represent him with any beast or animal… It’s an insult…

This is just the beginning of all these…

Matthew 21:33-45
Here was John preaching to them to repent that the kingdom of God is at hand, now Jesus came preaching the kingdom of God which shall be taken from them and given to a nation bringing forth fruits.

Matthew said Jesus is the Messiah King. John said that Jesus is the Son of God. God in flesh. God sent Jesus to establish the kingdom of God here on earth. Matthew meant that part of the kingdom of God that will operate here on earth is the kingdom of heaven.

They will bring forth the fruits of the kingdom of God will be manifested in a nation, not Nations. Jesus said that He will have a called-out people. They never heard that before. They don’t get it. Yet a little while and you’ll see me no more… They couldn’t understand and made assumptions… Oh glory to God.

The church was the biggest mystery in the old testament. They had no clue. The word mystery means hidden truth or secret, concealed and only known within an inner circle.

Hebrews 6:19
Within. Esoteric, revealed only to a select few.

A mystery in the Bible is a truth revealed to a chosen few or individuals but unknown to others.

1 Corinthians 4:1
Stewards of the mysteries of God. We are held in trust with divine secrets.

Ephesians 3:2-5
Made known unto me the mystery of Christ. You can’t know the church without knowing Christ. In the previous dispensation, the prophets that prophesied didn’t know about the church. After Jesus was gone, the apostles didn’t know about the church. Acts 1-15 was about Israel, not the church.

Thank you Lord Jesus… Oh boy, I’m thinking why we are here… To manifest the kingdom… Jesus is coming to set up the kingdom for 1000 years… Something must happen first. The church must come to maturity.

Revelation 3:21
Jesus came in His Father’s name. He had to overcome. Let me show you what this is so important.

John 5:43
Jesus came lives, walked and ministered in His Father’s name.

John 10:25
His work was done in His Father’s name. His father was in him.

John 14:10
His Father was in Jesus doing the work. He doeth the work.

2 Corinthians 5:19
God was in Christ reconciling men to himself.

John 17:21

This is so vital… I read you an important scripture… Let’s look at what happened with Jesus.

Colossians 2:12
Risen with Jesus… Operation of God that raised Him… Quicken together with Him… Who is He (God), who is Him? Jesus

Ephesians 2:4
Quicken us together with Christ

Colossians 2:14-15
God nailing it all to Jesus cross. Triumphing over them in Him, in Christ, not in it.

Revelation 3:21
Jesus overcame in His Father’s name because His Father was in Him.

I’ll stop here today. Don’t miss this tomorrow.

The prophecy in February when I was calling for continuous prayer throughout the year. This is what was in my mind… Watch this…

You may not know how important that is… I remember that few days from then, we will be starting our healing school in South Africa and I told some individuals that it’s like the devil is doing something we are not aware like children committing mischief in a room… Of course, we committed it to prayer… Things were not going to be where God plans… Our prayers will rearrange things… I walked into that meeting but couldn’t hide the thoughts coming to me… It was someone that drew my attention to it… I was shaken as I realised that we are already in it. That’s how important what I’m sharing with you is. Walk in time and in sync, walk in the prophetic steps of the spirit. No other way. Walk in His prophetic will and way.

How Pastor shares the theme of each month by the Holy Ghost. The prophetic ministry of different kinds.


Salvation call…

Day 4

Notes from Your Loveworld Phase 7

We Will Do Extraordinary Things By The Power Of The Holy Spirit

The series on spiritual warfare. Get and study it. You’ll be mightily blessed. You can immediately put it to action and start receiving results.

God can use a leader and he can go rogue on God like King Saul. Another reason why we don’t just do whatever we’re told… Where the instructions are coming from matter… I told you something about the deep state…

Non-state actors behind the scene or state actors that use extra statutory powers to control those that want to do the right things. Many state governments are that way and under state capture. That’s what is going on right now in many countries. External instructions compelling people to do things that can kill them.

The get these instructions from those that have captured these states like the Prince of Assyria. Look what’s going on in many countries right now. Sad. Many are unaware of the spiritual war…

I’ve read through the laws in many countries, they are technically the same. They came from the same source. Hanging on the Covid-19 to take destructive actions. That’s why we are taking spiritual actions.

We must be very watchful. Watch and pray says, Jesus. One of the reasons is because of this very thing. There are people that will want to come from some other means to run the country. Resources are scarce in the world. Same things that polarised the world is still same. The rich ruleth over the poor. The borrower is subject to the lender.

Who rules? You won’t be content, you want to rule over the poor. The poor man’s work was not recognized for saving the city. If he’s smart enough, by his intelligence and craft, he borrows what belongs to you. Playing the fast one. He lends to you what was yours in the first place.

I do have some questions some have asked…

Question about is there’s a spirit that causes black people to be so hated.

It’s not spiritual. Man must bear responsibility for his actions. Racism is an inherited problem. Those that started it may not have known better. After these many years, there’s no excuse. Those who penetrate racism must bear responsibility. They can’t blame ignorance or anything else. There’s no excuse.

There are things that are worse like hatred. It exists even in families. It’s worse. I hope I’ve given you the answer. The hatred against blacks is more obvious because of the colour and the politics. Some can hate people of the same skin colour. That’s the one written about the most. Genuine love has no colour. Racism is the manifestation of the bankruptcy of the heart. No love.

Whenever you find true love of God, you’ll find no racism.

Question about the four beasts mentioned in the book of revelation…

The Lord has concealed their identities. We will ask when we get there.

Question about a gay man who wants to go to heaven. Will all homosexuals going to hell…

Homosexuality was revealed in Genesis. It’s that old. It’s not a new thing. The Bible tells us it was happening in Sodom. It’s was rampant there by then. God destroyed the city with fire from heaven. He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.

When you study the old testament, it was abominable to God who decides what is right. He leaves us with accurate information. He says don’t do it. Same in the new testament. That’s why those in the organised gay community generally don’t like the Bible because it condemns it.

They can’t change it. I’ll read these verses for you.

Romans 1:18- NIV
Degrading of their bodies for one another. Unnatural relations. Look at that. Nature reveals God’s plan and will. Men committing indecent acts with other men.

The big lie that you were born that way. We don’t say a child born blind is natural. It’s unnatural. Same with homosexuality. Men should be attracted to women and verse visa. Because you feel so doesn’t make it right. Now politicians are telling us what is right. What does God says. If you don’t know God, your conscience will not correct you.

Some people kill and feel good about it. You carry out what you have inside. It’s the voice of the Spirit that corrects you if you know God.

Gay people have depraved minds. To do what is not right

As a child of God, you can pray and stop it. You can be a leader and be doing these things. Decide today in the name of Jesus Christ and break the habit. Any habit can be broken. How Pastor got to know this in 1981. Breaking bad habit in the name of Jesus. He used to have soft drinks every day. He read the book and stopped. His mind went to the bottle because he had that habit. A habit is a habit.

The Devil can use any habit. It doesn’t matter what. Pastor broke that habit from then on and has been free. You can break any habit. You can break it. With that little experience, he learnt something big. Recognising the power of principle. The Lord doesn’t want anything dominating you.

Will homosexuals going to hell. What God says is wrong. It’s about stopping a behaviour. 1 Corinthians 6:11… If you are in Christ, that nature can be washed from homosexuality.

Question about the parable of the wedding party… Wedding garment… Many are called but few are chosen…

The parable is about the kingdom… The gown was a requirement and that person didn’t prepare. The church is being prepared, we should all get ready. There was something that was required but the person failed to get it. It’s not just a gown.

There’s a choice of man and the choice of God. God has chosen that anyone who places his faith in Jesus Christ should be saved. Everyone has been paid for.

Because the king had a righteous expectation and it was a righteous judgment based on the gown. If you chose not to obey, the judgment is right. Broad is the way that leads to destruction. Many are chosen is just an observation. Many were invited but only a few chose to attend.

The garment of righteousness is a gift… Matthew 13:24-30
That man that had his own garment of righteousness was taken away when the wheat was to be born.
John 12:46-48
Those that reject Jesus are the many that are called.

2 Thessalonians 2:13
Everyone is called but Jesus chose few.

Matthew 22:14
Many are called but few are chosen. The king had the choice to decide who should attend the wedding.

Matthew 20:13-16
The man that paid everyone the same wage. It’s up to Him. I called everyone but chose a few.

2 Thessalonians 2:13
God has chosen you to salvation. He’s the One that decided to save through salvation. How you respond is your own choice. If you believe the truth, you will be saved. Thank you, Lord for helping me believe. If you believe, you’re chosen by God. Even when God chooses you, you can reject it. Satan also lies to some people… The story of the guy that told Pastor that he didn’t believe in Jesus Christ. Pastor realised that it was a lying spirit that had taken hold of him. Pastor cast out the demon and got him saved and he’s a preacher now.

Question about Muslims having a promise since they are descendants of Abraham.

Romans 9:6-8
They’re not the seed. Through Christ, anyone can now be saved. Galatians 3:26-29. In Christ, you are Abraham’s seed.
Salvation and the promise are only in Jesus Christ.

Question about the day of Lord coming and when it’s coming on God’s calendar

The old earth will pass after the millennia reign of Christ. End of Revelation 20 and beginning of Revelation of chapter 21. Those are the details 2 Peter 3:7

Question about demonic princes that control the earth… The feast of the Passover

The destroyer, Abadon, was ruling over his kingdom and was fulfilling scriptures. If the princes knew, they wouldn’t have killed Jesus Christ. Anywhere Abadon saw the blood, he passed. The same way the Prince of Assyria will match into Israel and destroyed it…

I helped you to identify the prince… His plan was to kill all the firstborn in Egypt.

Exodus 12:23
Will not suffer the destroyer to come in… In the days of David, spirit beings could strike plagues… The Angels of God could stretch out their hands until God commanded them to stop. The firstborn syndrome…

Identifying the spirit
Revelation 9:11
Abaddon was not God’s angel. The six times it was mentioned, it was for destruction or the destroyer. In association to hell or fire. Job 26:6, Psalm 88:10-11. Grave, Hades. 1 Corinthians 10:10 Apollion.. It’s the spirit that was dominating the world Empire of the day. Hebrews 11:28. Appolion… Same Spirit. Why is that word important? It refers to the beast, a serpent called the destroyer. A destructive serpent. Locusts that had tails like scorpions came out with him.

Study both the old and new testaments.

Psalm 22:28
The Lord is the Governor amongst the nations. Jesus owns the nations. What’s going on the spirit? What’s God preparing us for?

Revelation 3:21
This is extraordinary. So powerful. This is so wonderful… He that overcometh… What are we expected to overcome? I’ll like to discuss this with you from tomorrow… We will do extraordinary things by the power of the Holy Spirit. We will never be overcome. Remember the grace, the love and the fellowship. How is it possible to lose with the grace, the love and the fellowship, the communion.

That blessing simply means that you cannot be defeated. The church of Jesus Christ is getting bolder. The consciousness of the grace… The spirit of the Father that speaketh. Your knowledge is increasing by the day. Satan and his folks are losers. Greater is He in us. It doesn’t matter what you’re going through, what the sickness is, in the name of Jesus Christ, I rebuke them… Join your faith… The power of the Holy Spirit is surging through your body right now…

Healing started taking place… Receive healing… You’re healed by the power of the Holy Spirit… Thank Him for your healing… Thank you Lord.. I receive healing in Jesus name… Pastor mentioned the cases that have been healed… Call and testify. Tell it.

Salvation call…

Day 5

Notes from Your Loveworld Phase 7

You Are A Mystery!

Pastor Chris started today’s meeting with the number six description of the Church. The church is the body of Christ. This is really really huge…
A few things you need to write down and meditate.

The church is not an organization but an organism. The truth that will revolutionise your life. Everything will change. The church is a living organism. We don’t mean that it is a body of people. That’s not what the Bible mean as a body of Christ.

For a long time, I wanted to know what doctors knew about the human body and their limitations… I researched their understanding of the human body and realised that that is where the original limitations came from…

Definition of the human body…

What is on God’s mind…

What is a body? *-Definition-*

*The human body is a complex combination of cells, molecules and their communication systems, given physical substance, structure and expression to the characteristic personification of its invisible, hidden or cloth human spirit.

There’s a human spirit. God has given every seed it’s own body. That’s very very enlightening. Now we’re talking about the body of Christ. What’s the body.

Two very important points…

Move back to yesterday…

What Jesus came to do… He came with a message… The kingdom of heaven is at hand…

The Jewish people understood. Both John the Baptist and Jesus brought the subject of repentance. They thought that being heirs of Abraham was enough. There were things they didn’t know.

You get into the kingdom of God by inheritance. It’s not the kingdom of flesh. God is the father of spirits, not flesh.

John the Baptist baptised unto repentance but that Jesus will baptise with the Holy Ghost and with fire. Repentance wasn’t enough…

Jesus says there’s more. Nicodemus asked Jesus about it and Jesus explained that except a man be born again, he can’t enter the kingdom of God. He questioned how… That which is born of the spirit is spirit… You’ve got to be born again.

That which is born of flesh is flesh… Marvel not that you must be born again. Whose got to get in? How are they going to be born again? How Will it happen…

He kept preaching… How Will it happen. What shall I do to inherit eternal life? How do you get it? The works of the flesh will not take you there. He kept directing them to their hearts. Of course, when it finally happened, the began to understand…

The works of Israel… How far can they go with God?

Romans 9:30
Law of righteousness… That’s what they expected… Stumbling stone… Wow, they stumbled…

Romans 10:1
Paul bore them the record… Ignorant and wanted to establish their own righteousness. It’s a submission… Christ is the end of the law for righteousness.

The end product… The law for righteousness leads you to Christ…

They couldn’t attend it. They’ve been away from God. This is what Hosea said…

Hosea 3:1-5 NIV
This was a prophetic message for the children of Israel. Though it was in the life of Hosea… For a long time without king, without sacrifice. They’ll be carried away. It concerns the rejection of the Messiah.

Hosea 4:17
Ephraim is joined to idols, leave him alone.

Hosea 5:15
Return to my place until they acknowledge their offence says the Messiah. Messiah came and had to leave. Look at this. This is heartbreaking… And seek my face… In their affliction, they will seek me early…

This was rejection. Messiah came but they rejected Him. The son of man will return where he was before. The son of man is Zion.

Matthew 23:37-39, 24:1
Here’s Jesus, he’s rejected and he weeps over Jerusalem. They turned down his message. You shall not see me henceforth. And Jesus went out and departed from the temple…

Fulfilment of I’ll return to my place. What happens when Jesus walks away…

You know when the ark of God was captured, the glory departed… They delivered Jesus to the gentiles.

He walks away from the temple until they say blessed is the name of the Lord… When? I’ll show you…

Hosea 6:1-3
This is so powerful. Those two days are two thousand years… In the third day is one thousand years Jesus will be with us…

Acts 15:14
Things they didn’t understand… James calmed them down…. Take out of them a people for his name. They delivered Jesus to the gentiles…

What’s about to happen. He’s coming back after two thousand years…

Luke 21:24
Until the time of the Gentiles be fulfilled. Taking the gentiles started in the house of Cornelius… Something also happened on the day of Pentecost and the disciples were filled with the Holy Ghost. They were baptised in the Holy Ghost. What happened was this… They baptised and then, they were filled with the Holy Ghost. When you are born again, you’re baptised in the Holy Ghost into the body of Christ.

If any man be in Christ he is a new creation and created man.

1 Corinthians 12:13
Baptised into one body… Drink into one spirit. You are born again and receive the Holy Ghost to live in you. Getting the Holy Ghost into you. When you are born again, you’re baptised into the Holy Spirit and you receive Him to live in you. Christ in you, is hope of glory… When the spirit takes his abode in the quarters of your heart.

Matthew 16:18

Romans 11:25
The fullness of the gentiles be come in. God has a definite number of the non-jews that he want to take. During this two thousand years, he’s getting them born again. Only God knows the last person to be born again. When that last person comes in, that’s it. The church has a definite time.

The church has to leave before the last seven years. Because we will come back with Him.

The church is from all nations…

Ephesians 2:11-23
This is to the saints at Ephesus… These are gentiles… They were without Christ… What a life, darkness for a man without God. How do you go from day to day, having no hope. A mass of humanity with out hope of God.

He’s made both one. Jews and gentiles. One new man. This is his plan. This is great… Awesome. Reconcile both unto God in one body.

They didn’t know this in the first 15 chapters of Acts. A miracle takes place. Making peace, the oneness with God.

Through Jesus we have access to the Father. How people paid money to have access to God. Through Jesus we have direct access to the Father.

We are no more strangers and foreigners. He’s writing to people that didn’t know God. Fellow citizens with the saints. This is the revelation. What a blessings that has come to the gentiles. You count them also when you count…

Jesus Christ is the chief cornerstone.
The church is the house of God. This is huge.

During this 2000 years, what’s He doing?

Ephesians 3:1-8
How God protected it in his heart. Satan had no clue. How Jesus bought the whole world to get the peculiar treasure in the field. That pearl of great price. Now he calls us my peculiar treasure.
We’re fellow heirs. Partakers. Preach the unsearchable riches of Christ.

Ephesians 3:8 Amplified version
This is huge.

You understand this and the world becomes very small to you. Look at the amount of space man is occupying… Rich people hate poor people. When people become rich, they start thinking of what to do with the poor. The poor also hate the rich. Either the poor or rich can exist without the other. The only thing that changes the heart of the poor and the rich is the gospel. The poor hate the poor. He has no friend. The poor is hated by the rich and the poor.

When you receive Jesus, you stop being poor. You can’t spend what you have in Christ. It’s like the two fish and the five loaves that Jesus used in feeding thousands…

You never run dry. Unending. Exhaustless. You can use my money. It keeps growing… When you understand it, you will live.

Galatians 3:30
It’s a new creation. Spiritual kingdom. You’re in Christ. If you’re in prison and get been again, you’re as free as the one outside. The story of Paul and Silas. Heirs according to the promise. He’s not talking about heaven. Heirs of the promise. What was the promise?

When you go to Israel, ask the Jews, they are talking about the kingdom of God coming down here. They don’t know about the rapture and the marriage supper. We will come back here to take over for 1000 years. Then we get ready with the great white throne judgment. The whole world is gathered before us and Jesus. And they will come out from everywhere.

We’re all there to judge the whole world. And the book is opened and another book is opened. Anybody whose name is not found is cast into the lake of fire…

We’re going to heaven briefly and come back to the new world that begins…

What was the promise in Galatians3:29?
The Jewish nation are blessed nation. There are far greater blessings. You aren’t seen anything yet. In Christ Jesus, there are far more. The new covenant is far and better. You are the heir of these blessings.

Romans 4:14-25
If you be heirs, faith is made void. Abraham is the father of those of the law and those of the faith. Father of many nations.

Romana 4:13
Heir of the world. There’s a man God willed the world to. To us through the righteousness of faith.

Jesus is waiting for the heirs to take their place. There will come a time when this world will be burned up. When will the heirs take their place? Before 2000. Our faith is the victory that overcomes the world. We have to use our authority. We are seeds of Abraham. Learn to use your mouth. Declare what you want. There is lifting up. You’re different.

Abraham was the father of faith. We’re the nation that brings the fruit of the kingdom. Start making declarations. The world can’t stand us. We’re not victims but victors.

Blood makes the human body come alive. All the members are touched by the blood and made alive.

Leviticus 17:14
Genesis 9:4
The life of the flesh is the blood.

1 Corinthians 12:12-13
Jesus is like your body. The human body. The body is not one body but many. There are members even in this finger. Complex nature of the human body.

Ephesians 5:30
We are members of his body, of his flesh and of his bones… I understand why we have to be filled with the Holy Ghost. When Jesus died, he didn’t have any blood but was brought back to life by the Holy Ghost.

Romans 8:11
He’s got to dwell in you. You don’t need a touch. He lives in you. By His Spirit that dwelleth in you. Same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead. Respond to it. I’m alive. I’ve got the live of God in me. If He lives in you… He vitalises… That’s the end of seeing the doctor… Every fibre and bone of my body… If you can do this every day… He’s in my brain, bones, body, heart, hands… You’ve got to learn it.

I’m not preaching… This is my understanding of the word of God. The contemplations of my heart. My mentality. This is how I live…

Ephesians 5:30-33
Individual parts… He brings in marriage here. This is a great mystery and I speak concerning Christ and the church. The Christ-life.

1 Timothy 3:15
The outward expression of your inner life. God manifest in the flesh is the mystery. He’s talking about the life Jesus has. We are the expression of this life. You can’t have a holiday from the spirit. You have to talk like that always. God stepped into humanity.

You are a mystery. So is every one that is born of God. You’ve got to use what you have. They haven’t seen anything yet. You’ll dictate what happens. You grow in authority. He won’t give it to you at once. You’ve got to grow. It’s time to use. The world expects us to beg. I’m not going to beg anyone to open the lockdown. With all the conditions… I laugh… Why do they imagine a vain thing…

Psalm 2:1
Imagine a vain thing. The angel that told the pastor is a debacle, a fiasco. They think they have control over the churches… Based on lies… When those that should pray for you start praying against you… We’re giving them time to change the stupid things… We have been too influential

He that is seated with together with God in the heavens are laughing… They imagine a vain thing. They mistake they made was not factoring the church in the equation.

We will get to number seven tomorrow…

Power belongs to God!

Song… The steadfast love of the Lord…

Salvation call…

Day 7

Notes from Your Loveworld Phase 7

Money Shouts But God Shouts Louder! Get Ready To Shout On June 26th!!!

What we are studying about the church is so much needed… A whole lot of people beginning from those in the church don’t really know what the church is and you can’t live to your potentials with that. There’s a lot the church can do.

What I’m sharing with you are not religious talk but realities. I want to take you to a couple of verses we’ve read… As a reminder of the life we should have and what God expects…

Ephesians 6:10-15

He’s writing to those in church… Be strong in the lord and the power of His might. What we can do in Christ Jesus now we are in Him. Who are we in Him. What we can do in His might, not yours.

Put on all the armour, you’re the one to put the armour on. The whole armour. This is what can happen and what you can do if you do so.

He’s letting you know that you’re engaged in a warfare and it’s important you know. You may not be ain a fight but you’ll be in war. You’ve heard about the Cold War amongst nations. We’re engage in a war but not fight with these forces. In Cold War, nations try to undo each other. They’re wrestling through their intelligence agencies, etc.

Incidentally, our warfare is a hot one, not a cold one. He described the forces we are against, the highest forces in the earth realm. Rulers of evil forces that control all the forces. They function in the world. And then you have those in the heavenly realms.

I gave you several scriptures of those controlling the deep states that control bodies and nations, they are are non-state actors. Control large organisations and the most money and use such dark forces. Money amplifies characters. They do what the rulers of the dark forces want.

I showed you in the bible who they are. What kind of spirits they are.

Ephesians 6:12

High places, heavenly realms and thrones. They control these other powers. They usually don’t possess human beings, that’s for rulers of darkness. These are the ones that operate from the heavenly realms. All of them are subject to Saran. They are all under them. He has a massive structure.

Luke 11:15

Beelzebub. Angelic beings are not a race, they don’t multiply. The same evil spirits from the ages. Same ones. They said that Jesus was casting out Devils from the chief of Devils, Beelzebub.

This is his introduction…

2 Kings 1:2

Baalzebub is same as Beelzebub, it means lord of the flies. God of Ekron. The King sent to inquire from this Baalzebub.

Luke 11:16-22

Jesus is letting you know that Sagan has a kingdom that has structures. He got a spiritual kingdom. Casting out the devil by the name of Jesus is a major part of the kingdom of God. Casting out Devils wasn’t anything new.

Casting out the devil is very important evidence if you do it in the name of Jesus. Jesus spoiled the devil in hell and defeated them.

Mark 16:17

In my name shall they cast out demons (Devils).

Luke 10:18

I saw Saran descend like lightening from heaven. He’s not talking about him falling, but when Saran came down to take control over the empires. Read it from the Amplified version… Like a lightning flash. He took his seat in pargamos.

Luke 10:19

I give unto you the authority, power and ability to rule over Satan and what he can do. That’s why he used the term fall from the heavenly realms. Nothing shall by any means hurt you. These are the words of Jesus. He knows we are in a world where we have evil forces but says He give unto us the power to deal with the power of the enemy and nothing will hurt us.

Understand what’s happening. You have theses wicked forces that control… Thrones… Spiritual wickedness. Jesus came and paid the full price and these spirits have been carrying out illegal activities.

Those that should check them have been afraid of them instead.

2 Corinthians 2:3-5 – amplified version

What’s stopping him from being revealed. What is restraining the antichrist is the church. He can’t come now. If the church at that time didn’t restrain him, he would have come ahead of time. We have to restrain him at this our time. There’s an appointed time. I’ve shown you in the bible. There’s an appointed time… Before then… Who empowers the beast is Satan. Satan doesn’t like that he has only three and a half years.

Verse seven… That spirit of antichrist is already at work but we have to do what we have to do…

These regions are being controlled… I showed you his modus operandi.

I told you that things are changing in the spiritual realms and what will happen. I said that the financial xxx in the US will fall and move to Europe. The deep state has its… Almost every country have their deep states and satan has an interest in almost all communities… Speaking broadly… Deep state control much more, I’m dealing globally. It is based in the US currently but is going to fall.

It’s like the days of Daniel and the fall of the Persian empire… Michael and Gabriel fought the prince of Persia and the Grecian empire replaced it. The deep state will fall. And what’s playing out is very simple. The prince of Assyria that’s responsible for all these has lost its seat. The same spirit that made those things known to Daniel has made it known to me.

They wanted to create a global community. They’ve fallen. Satan is making a change. They controlled states and tried to use that to carry out the evil work but it’s failing. He will use the power of the state. That’s why it’s moving to Babylon, Europe. The saints are praying.

The prince of Babylon will take over from the Assyria. The prince of Babylon will take over, not yet, but, he’s preparing. Gabriel told Daniel that three more kings before the change… There’s still a little time but you’ll start seeing the changes like what they’re trying to do in the USA by the rulers of evil. How they can dominate and destroy the state.

What’s going to happen to the deep state. Ezekiel had the word for the King of Egypt, but it was for Assyria…

Ezekiel 31:3-14

Using imagery of plants. They covered great nations. Look at the last few weeks and what has been revealed… The great ones in the kingdom of God could not overshadow him. When people touch the house of God, that’s when the problem starts… Like Herman… He had money, wanted to fund the elimination of the Jews… His grouse was just one man, Mordecai that refused to greet him…

He called someone that told him about Mordecai. Herman wanted to kill the entire Jews because of Mordecai… When you’re rich, you don’t care and have no respect. These are the kinds of things that has happened in history. Churches have never rioted. All the good things are from the churches… Then you said you don’t want their meetings anymore and expect the God of heaven to keep quiet…

God delivered him to be swallowed up. When Persia fell, the human players don’t know that these demon empires have agenda… Demons don’t care that the people fight and destroy themselves.

This is what is about to happen… The deep state is responsible for the destruction of lives and the killings… See what has happened these last weeks…

2 Kings 6:15-18

How the King of Syria said that they should go and get the prophet, Elisha. Elisha told his servant not to be afraid of them. They that be with us are more. He knew that it was a spiritual war. And this is what is going on right now. It’s about those with us and those with them. We’ve got to know how to get our work done. I’ll show you.

Elisha was surrounded by horses and chariots of Fire. Elisha had victory through faith and prophesy.

Faith is the substance of things and evidence. He said it. We have to know and activate by prophecy and utterance of the spoken word what He has told us. Put on the whole armour. Take the shield of faith. The imagery of a soldier to explain something to you. Faith functions as a shield. In action, it neutralises the fiery darts. The next is the word coming out of your mouth, the spoken word.

Hebrews 11:30

The walls of Jericho fell after seven days. They went around Jericho quiet… On the seventh day, they went around and shouted on the seventh time… It wasn’t the loudness of the shout. It was faith at work. They that were with them brought down the walls…

Get ready to shout on June 26th

The Angels brought down the walls. Look at what the bible says. By faith, the walls of Jericho fell down. I told you, things have come to a climax, we’ve come to a crises moment… Did we know we will come to a point where we will be negotiating to worship in free nations? The plan was not to let it happen at all. They wanted us to end congregational worship virtually. There are virtual meetings. Love and fellowship is not virtual. The house of God is the place of love and fellowship.

If you thought we are going only virtual, something is wrong with you. I’m coming to you virtually. Are we going to baptise virtually? I know what must be done personally. Did Paul use the Internet or tv, we know those things that must be done personally. Many don’t know no love. They don’t know what love means and can suggest such to the church… The suggested Albion greeting, why not head like the goat which is satanic symbols.

I’m not surprised that some ministers maybe practising it… Imagine headbouting in churches… They really believe that the world will move in that direction… That will be after the rapture.

The Lord left us here for a reason. We are restraining evil. Nations are breaking away because we have disconnected his plan. Money talks but God talks louder.

Ephesians 3:8

The unsearchable riches… To the intent that now unto them all might be known to the church the manifold wisdom of God. We are players in the heavenly realms…

Ephesians 1:3

Endowed with everything we required. Fully equipped in heavenly realms. Now, not later. The principalities and powers will know the manifold wisdom of God through the church. The church will make them recognise it by displaying to them. It will be built in the spirit… We are joint heirs with Christ… We are the ones to demonstrate the manifold wisdom of God…

1 Peter 2:9

The excellencies and perfections… He commanded light out of the darkness… It’s not about being in the dark but can now see… He was born out of death… He’s shined in our hearts… Out of darkness into his overwhelming light…

1 Peter 2:9-10 Amplified

We are God’s special people. We are now God’s people. The man writing this, Peter, had not understood the full picture of the church. That’s why he’s saying better than before… 1 Peter 1:1… He was writing to the Jews dispersed all over…

1 Peter 2:22

That’s Israel, not the church, by whose stripes you were healed. You were as sheep going astray, it was Israel, not the church. That’s the whole world. They’re not applicable to the church. The church came from the resurrection. Salvation. Eternal life from the faith in the resurrection of Jesus. That’s where Christianity came, from the resurrection, not the cross…

Thank you Lord Jesus…

I told you… Our job is to realign the worlds desolate places. Take this message everywhere and take charge. Prophesy the word and proclaim your victory.

Mark 5:8-14

The devil that came in with a legion of demons. Jesus could send them out of the country. So can you. You can tell the demons to leave this city in the name of Jesus. They don’t want to face Jesus again, He’s got fire in His eyes… Flames of fire… The Devils dare not. They begged Jesus not to send them away. Send us into the swines, after all, the Jews are not meant to keep the swines… They ran violently and ran and got chocked in the sea.

Jesus sent them out and gave us the authority to take control. You’ve got to do it. I’m not surprised that we’ve come to this place, it’s time. We are the seed of Abraham. We function in the spiritual realm. The nations belong to God. They belong to Jesus and we proclaim His name over the nations. The deep state is fallen like Babylon. That great Babylon is fallen, Assyria, the deep state is fallen.

We are called to show forth His glory Nd His manifold wisdom to principalities and powers. Thank you Lord Jesus…

Revelation 3:21

To him that overcometh… Make up your mind to be an overcomer. You must win in your city and state and country. Jesus is depending on you. How the two angels of God patrolled the city of sodom. Same angels are waiting for our declarations to move. Decree them into action. It’s about time. You’ve got to do it. These are things I’ve done. I won’t do something in your city, state and country. Don’t wait. Take action. Address the Devils by their actions and activities and bound them and command them to leave, they’ll leave. You will see the changes. Pray in angels to take control and you’ll see things happening. It’s time to declare and decree the things you want. They can’t stand us.

Thank you, Lord Jesus… He that overcometh and you’re an overcomer. The name of Jesus will be celebrated where you are. Those of you in the US, see with the eyes of the spirit. Be effective. Answer your callings. Take your place in Christ. Spiritual forces will take not of you. From the realms of the spirit, they will take note of you…

Song… We are the chosen generation…

Song… How wonderful…

Song… Blessed the Lord oh, my soul…

The name of Jesus will be glorified in every country. He bought the whole field. Thank you for your grace. We praise and honour you.

Between now and June 26, make sure you make out time to pray. June is our month of prayer and we’ve been praying every fifteen minutes since January. I’m glad we did. You can be a part of it, you can take an hour of prayer and for churches, you can do it at least twice for the rest of the month. We will send out details of the plan so that you can do this together with us in an organised way.

We are going to be effective. Use these things you’ve learnt. Respond to God in faith. Go through your notes. Every member of the church is important. All of us can pray. Make sure you pray and organise others too. Put what you’ve learnt to work…

Salvation call.

See More Content below:


Phase 1 | Phase 2 | Phase 3 | Phase 4 | Phase 5 | Phase 6  | Phase 7


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